[Gadi Adelman is] "Leading in the movement in the study of counter-terrorism", Dr. Walid Phares, Advisor to the Anti-Terrorism Caucus in the US House of Representatives

Recent Articles from Gadi Adelman

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What Difference Does It Make? Arguably the most known statement by former Secretary of State and current Democratic Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton is the statement she made during the Benghazi hearings in January 2013..
Leading from behind doesn’t work With the current situation in the world, now more than ever, the debate on United States national security should be front and center. Thanks to Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), it is.
Not If, But When Over 3 years ago I wrote about the TSA and called it “window dressing”, now on the heels of knives being allowed back on planes and a fake bomb making it through security, a former TSA agent has come forward and stated what I’ve known all along.
And I’m The “Islamaphobe” Over the years I have been called many things and received so many death threats I’ve stopped counting. I’ve written hundreds of articles with examples of ‘stealth Jihad’ and ‘creeping Sharia’ from our schools to our courts to so called ‘honor killings’ and yet most people refuse to even see it. Now it’s become a “standard curriculum” for our schools through CSCOPE.

Ruben Israel, guest on 'America Akbar' Show!

On the July 5, 2012 episode of 'America Akbar' Gadi had the opportunity to interview Ruben Israel. Ruben Israel is the leader of the group 'Bible Believers' from the video"American Muslims stone Christians in Dearborn", that video went viral with over a million views in less than a week. Gadi's article "Stoned Dearborn Christian Speaks" was an exclusive with Ruben breaking the news about the attempted murder of him and 8 members f his group 2 days later in Dearborn, MI. The second hour of the show was a return guest, Major Montgomery Granger, the author of "Saving Grace At Guantanamo Bay" with his story of being in Camp X-Ray months after 9/11 having to take care of the health of the 'detainees' or prisoners. This show is one of the best of 'America Akbar' and cannot be missed!



Remember Germany!

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Two weeks ago I had the pleasure of having singer/songwriter Kory Shore on my radio show 'America Akbar'.

This amazing young man is only 15 years old and has just completed a music video to the song 'Remember Germany'. This song was the main reason we had invited him on to the show.

This video is extremely powerful and must be shared!



Gadi Adelman On The NightTalker Radio Show

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Gadi was a guest on the NightTalker Radio Show with Michael David McGuire. This was an interview in which Gadi was asked questions that had never been asked of him before. Listen to this great interview that goes back to Gadi's childhood in Israel.

Link to podcast


Help Us Support This Important Work!

Help us spread this message that is so important to both America and the West as a whole. Gadi has an amazing opportunity to take his radio show and message Nationwide and to millions of listeners.
A brand new network based in NY has offered for me to be full time, but I need your help.
In order to produce this show I need to raise $30,000. dollars and I am asking for your help.
I know that many of you are struggling but this is a critically important time for America and if you can afford even $10. or $20. that would help.
I know that many of you that share my passion on these issues and can afford more and together we can reach this goal and make it happen!


Update On Corey Clagett

User Rating: / 27

We had Pfc. Corey Clagett's mother on a return visit to America Akbar on January 5, 2012 for an update and where he is on his parole hearings. Corey's story is a must read! His website is here. Listen to the interview with his mother here. Read up on this young mans story, write a letter and send a donation, tell others about it and help Corey in anyway you can!



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