[Gadi Adelman is] "Leading in the movement in the study of counter-terrorism", Dr. Walid Phares, Advisor to the Anti-Terrorism Caucus in the US House of Representatives

America Akbar Radio Show

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What started on June 10th 2010, at 8 PM EST has grown. 'America Akbar' hosted by Gadi Adelman & Dee The Crimson Warrior are now on the Global Patriot Radio on Blog Talk Radio! Starting July 7, 2016 Gadi and Dee are being simulcast on American Patriot Radio! Now you can listen live right from here!


'America Akbar' is the go to talk radio program for the news and headlines you won't get on the mainstream media. Concentrating on National Security, terrorism with a major concentration on the Military, your hosts Gadi and Dee tell it like it is. The weekly guests are the newsmakers, authors and experts and they never disappoint since guests come on for a full hour rather than just a few minutes which allows the time to really get in depth on each subject. Gadi, who grew up in Israel is an expert on Counterterrorism and his co-host Dee comes from a military family and is a history and Constitutional enthusiast. If it's important to you, your family and safety it'll be on 'America Akbar'! 
Gadi had a been a guest on the Windows to Liberty Radio Network back on May 20th, 2010 and had been asked by the producers after that interview if he would consider doing his own two hour weekly program. As of December 16, 2010, Gadi will be heard on Blog Talk Radio as part of Global Patriot Radio.This is an exciting and new venture as well as another way to get the word out and educate people about Islam. Gadi had decided to name the two hour radio show "America Akbar", the translation of the Arabic word"Akbar" is great. Using a twist on the screams of Jihadists, what could better than to call the show "America is great"!

Podcasts of past shows are in date order (most recent to older) below.

April 6, 2017 episode. What a night, Gadi had a rant about Trump and Syria and not 15 minutes later, the U.S. launched cruise missiles on Syria. Tonight Gadi and Dee welcomed Denise and Elizabeth Haynes, the co-founders of Home Front Equestrians. HFE Was Founded as a way of giving back to military families, HomeFront Equestrians, Inc. offers hands on horsemanship; from grooming and groundwork to riding and showing, they offer an in-depth program for military families free to Military Families. Dee Rock, the Country Rock Nashville Singer/Song writer and Producer also joined our guests. Dee Rock supports HFE so much so that he has written songs, "Cowboy Christmas" and the soon to be released "Forgotten Soldier" for HFE. Lastly, Gadi and Dee announced that this may quite possibly be the last show. They have not yet decided if they are taking a break or if they are stopping all together, that decision will be coming soon.


March 30, 2017 episode. Tonight was truly the hardest story we have ever had to do. Gadi and Dee had Pastor Green and Gail Gartrell as their guests. Gail is the Grand Aunt of Sarah and Amina Said, the 17 and 18 year old sisters that were brutally murdered in cold blood by their father Yasser Said in the New Year's day 2008 'honor killing'. This is a must listen to show and these girls deserve to be heard!


March 23, 2017 episode. As usual Blogtalk radio crapped out. We had issues getting in and then once on air we had issues connecting our guest. We muddled through and lost sound just before the show ended. While on air Gadi had a rant on the terror attack in London and Gadi and Dee welcomed Will Johnson from 'Unite America First'. Considering all that happened with our issues, it was a great show!


March 16, 2017 episode. Wow! Talk about informative! Christopher Logan from Logan's Warning and Dr. Carl Goldberg from the radio show, The Logic of Islam with Dr. Carl Goldberg joined us tonight. We had a surprise call from 'The Ponytail Patriot', Candi and we talked about reforming Islam to Dr. Zuhudi Jasser.


March 9, 2017 episode. Gadi and Dee barely made on the air tonight! Tune and find out why along with all the news and there was ton.


March 2, 2017 episode. Well the lack of sleep and too much work finally got to Gadi and Dee. For the first time in their history they cut the show short. But... Not until after a rant aimed at the liberal left and the way they've treated Carryn Owens, the widow of U.S. Navy Special Operator, Senior Chief William “Ryan” Owens and their guest Daniel Greenfield, blogger and columnist and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.


February 23, 2017 episode. Wow! Gadi and Dee covered more tonight in one show than they have in a long time! Anti-Semitism in everything they covered tonight! A rant from hell on Marie Le Pen that has to be heard and a big announcement from Gadi and Dee that may mean the end of the show.


February 16, 2017 episode. Rabbi Nachman was back! Rabbi sat in as Gadi and Dee covered The Michael Flynn resignation, The Netanyahu meeting with Trump and the hearing for Trump's pick as the Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman. Gadi and the Rabbi spoke at length about the pro's and con's of the 'one State' solution vs. the 'two State' solution. That is a must hear!


February 9, 2017 episode. In the first hour Gadi and Dee had several callers, Hamody Jasim (The Terrorist Whisperer), Paul Sutliff (Civilization Jihad Awareness) and Mike from APR Radio. Gadi had been on Hamody's first video broadcast last night discussing the temporary Immigration 'ban' and it was discussed since the 9th Circuit Court upheld their suspension, the second hour was all about Israel and the new 'Regulation Law' as well as another terror attack in Israel today.


February 2, 2017 episode. Fantastic! We've had some amazing guests on the show and this one doesn't disappoint! Dr. William Bradford was our guest tonight and we covered everything from Soros to ISIS. Gadi and Dee did the news and Gadi even had a rant about the stupidity of Whoopi Goldberg!


January 26, 2017 episode. Trump's Inauguration, the Women's March, Executive Orders, the Mexican southern border wall and more! We covered a lot, Dee was at the Inauguration and gave us a recap, then we were joined by Novelist Jack Engelhard! Jack wrote the bestseller, "Indecent Proposal" along with many other novels but he also writes for Israel National News and we often read his pieces on the show. Tonight we had him in person!


January 19, 2017 episode. The Inauguration eve show! When we came on air it was 16 hours to the new President! Gadi and Dee did the news and the Rabbi called in along with Mike DeZinno from American Patriot Radio. We covered the end of Obama and the Inauguration schedule along with some important safety tips as Dee is going to be there!


January 12, 2017 episode. One week and a day until a new President! Tonight Gadi and Dee covered a ton of news and had a few rants in between. Everything from the Ft. Lauderdale terror attack to the so-called Israeli Palestinian Peace Conference coming up on Sunday in Paris were discussed and Mike DeZinno from American Patriot Radio called in and told us about himself as well as the programs over at APR where we are simulcast.


January 5, 2017 episode. Happy New Year! For the first show of the year Gadi and Dee were planning on a year in review but with everything that happened this past week, specifically the guilty verdict of IDF soldier Elor Azariya all that changed. Corey Clagett was our guest to talk about the rules of engagement in the Military and the 10 years he spent in prison for a similar incident.


December 29, 2016 episode. Last show of 2016! The show was going to be a rap of the year but after UN Resolution 2334 and John Kerry's speech, Gadi and Dee did a recap of what led up to this asinine resolution from Obama's first international speech in 2009 to present. If you want to know how to answer people about the Israel land issue, you must listen to this show!


December 22, 2016 episode. 2 callers and what a conversation! Tonight Gadi and Dee welcomed back Rabbi Nachman and we had 2 Mike's call in. Mike from American Patriot Radio and Mike from NY who is a WWII historian, aside from all the needed rants and news it was more than an interesting conversation. The Rabbi told us about a Anti-Semitic attack on the tomb of Rebbe Nachman for who he is named. A must hear show!


December 15, 2016 episode. 'Gadi Rant' anyone? Man, what a night! Gadi had to play the 'rant' music before he began the news since every story was a rant! Then, as if that wasn't enough, Gadi lost it due to a troll that tried to get on air, but did manage to disrupt the chat room. That you need to hear. Other than that... Gadi and Dee had another wonderful, factual, informative show.


December 8, 2016 episode. Each time we do a show you never know how it's going to go, but tonight... Tonight was a good show, a caller, an open mic moment and yes, a Gadi Rant!


December 1, 2016 episode. Ohio State University terror attack-but wonder what the motive was. San Bernardino Chief of Police blames the Christmas decorations for last years terror attack there and the Mosque in Columbus, Ohio may be to blame for this weeks terror on OSU, they were all part of Gadi's rant tonight! We were joined by Christopher Logan from "Logan's Warning" and he explained why Islam can't be reformed.


November 17, 2016 episode. Callers, a Gadi rant and a great guest! Gadi and Dee were joined by Cristina Laila! If you don't know who she is, you need to hear this show! Cristina is out there educating, speaking out, screaming about the truth of Islam and you need to hear her!


November 10, 2016 episode. President Donald J. Trump! Gadi and Dee did an election wrap up, they had lots to say as did the callers! It's a new dawn for the U.S., Israel and the world as a whole!


November 3, 2016 episode. Nancy Spielberg! That's right, Gadi and Dee were honored to welcome Nancy Spielberg, producer of the movie, "Above and Beyond". This movie is the first major feature-length documentary about the foreign airmen in the ’48 War of Independence for the State of Israel. We had a caller from the UK, our friend, Mark Sutherland who worked on the movie call in and surprise Nancy as well. Must listen to interview!


October 27, 2016 episode. What a night! Dee was under the weather but soldiered through, Rabbi Nachman called in to cover since Dee had almost no voice. We did some of the news, had a couple of great calls and then got to spend a full hour with Jeffery Weiss the author of "I Am My Brothers Keeper - American Volunteers in Israels War for Independence 1947- 1949". The stories of these men who helped form what became the Israeli Air Force is in a word Phenomenal!


October 20, 2016 episode. JLM! Jewish Lives Matter, yes, our new segment aired tonight! Since the UN has decided to cut any and all ties of Jews to Jerusalem, the Old City of Jerusalem, the Western Wall and the Temple Mount Gadi and Dee decided the Jews are the new 'so-called' Palestinians since they have no home and started the new organization, JLM. After that they covered a ton of news from the US and Israel and took a bunch of calls at the end of the show.


October 13, 2016 episode. The U.N. has re-written history! UNESCO voted and passed today that Jews have no connection to Temple Mount. Tonight the Rabbi, Dee and Gadi went after this ludicrous vote. Our guest tonight was none other than Christopher Logan of "Logans Warning" speaking about the non violent Jihad that is happening here in the U.S. All that and some callers round out a great show!


October 6, 2016 episode. Shana Tovah (Happy New Year). To say it was a busy 'news' week is an understatement, but somehow Gadi and Dee covered all the important stuff (and even some stuff they wish they hadn't). You'll need to listen to the show to find out what was going on in the chatroom during the show. Live radio, gotta love it!


September 29, 2016 episode. Shimon Peres, the last of Israel's founding fathers passed away and we covered as much as we could about his amazing life. We covered some news and then we were joined by Ken Benway, LTC, USA (Ret.), Special Forces and Colonel Richard F. (“Dick”) Brauer Jr. USAF, (Ret) co-founders of Special Operations Speaks (SOS). They spoke about the second upcoming VPAC event which will be Oct. 10 & 11. Check out the event page here.


September 22, 2016 episode. 3 attacks in the U.S. on Saturday last week, 8 attacks in Israel in 4 days, Charlotte is turning into another Ferguson/Baltimore and Benjamin Netanyahu speaks at the UN. What a week! The Rabbi joined Gadi and Dee from the start of the show and we spoke about the Jews in France converting to Islam. What a 2 hours!


September 15, 2016 episode. The 'deplorable of deplorables'. Gadi and Dee had what can only be called "the guest with the amazing life". After the news and updates we were honored to have Dr. J.P. Sloane join us! J.P. is an award winning television and radio producer, recording artist/actor; writer and Biblical Scholar. His life in and of itself is a 'who's who' in radio/TV, but his knowledge of Islam is rather astounding and he has written several books on the subject. You have to hear this interview!


September 8, 2016 episode. The 15th anniversary of 9/11 is in 3 days and as we do every year, we had our 9/11 special. We need to relive that day because we have no right to forget and what's more is history does repeat! Gadi and Dee took a lot of phone calls from people who shared their stories with us about that day. Gadi read a letter that the Rabbi sent to him that was a look at what might happen after the election no matter what the outcome and who wins. A MUST hear show!


September 1, 2016 episode. Huge, huge, HUGE announcement tonight! Gadi and Dee played a tribute to Gene Wilder and followed up with a ton of news from The U.S. special "secret" exemptions for Iran to Canadian Islamophobia. Dee had a 'Dee's Depressing Diatribe' about Hillary's connections to Russia and we even had a new 'Gadi and Dee' song!


August 25, 2016 episode. Too much to cover, there was a ton of news and Gadi and Dee do have a tendency to go off on tangents while covering the news and tonight was certainly no exception. Gadi had an unplanned rant at the end of the show and was even aimed at the wrong person. Annie from Southern Sense Radio got the brunt but Gadi apologized for the mistake. Either way, you need to hear his rant!


August 18, 2016 episode. Fabulous show as stated by a caller! Yes, without being coaxed or paid Gadi and Dee had a caller thanking them and the Radio Jihad Network as a whole for providing the news you get nowhere else. Gadi and Dee did cover a ton of news tonight and Dee even had another not-so 'Depressing Diatribe'!


August 11, 2016 episode. In a word... Phenomenal! Dee was back after her trip to CA and Gadi and Dee covered a lot of the news. After the news we welcomed two amazing guests, John Hajjar and Tom Harb. Tom and John are both founding members of the American MidEast Coalition for Donald Trump and serve on the Executive Committee and are Surrogate as well. The amount of factual information that these gentlemen managed to bring us in the short time they were on was truly phenomenal!


August 4, 2016 episode. The Rabbi came back! While Dee was away Rabbi Nachman was kind enough to fill in and what a show it was! We covered everything from the latest terror attack in London, to the Pope to Black Lives Matter! We had fantastic callers and we missed Dee immensely!


July 28, 2016 episode. Thanks to America Patriot Radio the show goes on! The Blogtalk Radio website was 'down' and we broadcasted live through APR! It was a great show with all the hiccups and Gadi and Dee covered a lot of news and a lot of audio's that you won't hear on the MSM from the DNC.


July 21, 2016 episode. First night in 3 weeks where it was all Gadi and Dee for the full two hours! Two hours still isn't enough to cover what we wanted to discuss. There is actually OTHER news out there in the world besides the RNC. A lot was covered tonight from both national and international news and Dee had a 'Dee's Depressing Diatribe' to round out the show!


July 14, 2016 episode. What another fabulous guest! Nice, France suffered an attack just before we went on air and we covered that along with some news before our guest came on. Dr. Majid Rafizadeh was amazing and you need to hear what a recent 'former' Muslim has to say about Islam, terrorism and even our President!


July 7, 2016 episode. Phenomenal! What a great night to have the guest we had! Coming on the heels of James Comey testifying before the Oversight Committee we had the author of "See Something, Say Nothing", Philip Haney as our guest. Philip is a DHS whistleblower and has one heck of a story about our Government. Willful Blindness! Also, Gadi had a Hillary/Comey rant you won't want to miss.


June 30, 2016 episode. Hillel Yafa Ariel. 13 years old, beautiful, wanted to be a dancer, murdered, slaughtered in her own bed this morning in Israel by a 17 year Muslim terrorist. That was a main focus with good reason. Our guest, James Jay Carafano, the Vice President of the Heritage Foundation spoke about EMP's and what we can do.


June 23, 2016 episode. Well Blogtalk is still having issues so Gadi and Dee had to share a mic. How horrible! We had yet another 'Triple D' and Dee ranted about the rape of a 5 year old girl in Idaho by 3 Muslim "refugees". We covered all the U.S. news as well as some important International news. All in all another must listen!


June 16, 2016 episode. Orlando terror. That was the show in a nutshell. Gadi and Dee were joined briefly by Rabbi Nachman and Kel Fritzi who helped us with some audio issues. We covered everything you needed to know about the Orlando terror attack and of course Gadi did a rant on the 'left's' spin of the attack. Dee introduced a new segment, "Dee's Depressing Diatribe", rather than an explanation, just listen!


June 9, 2016 episode. Even with all the technical difficulties we pulled off a great show! Thank you Kel Fritzi for helping Gadi and Dee once again! After all the news on yesterday's terror attack in Tel Aviv we had Carl Higbie as our guest! Former Navy SEAL, author, spokesperson and so much more... Just before the shows end Gadi covered 7 'articles' from the Palestinian Charter, you've got to hear it to believe it.


June 2, 2016 episode. Israel June 5th 1967 was the start of the Six Day War. Israel in a preemptive attack defeated major overwhelming odds and forces and captured the Golan Heights, Gaza, the West Bank and reunited Jerusalem! Tonight Gadi and Dee covered the war, why did Israel attack and what happened. If you want to know about these areas this is a must listen.


May 26, 2016 episode. Memorial Day weekend coming up and we had the music! More importantly we had a great guest tonight! Lorne F. Dey, author of "America's War On God". How did this happen? How did we as a nation get here and what can be done about it? For the answers you need to read his book, but first listen to the show!


May 19, 2016 episode. Egyptair flight 804, was it terrorism and if so why was that flight chosen? Gadi explains his theory. That and a lot of news were covered tonight by Gadi and Dee. Plus as an added bonus they played the man on the street from the U.K. asking, "what is Zionism?" The answers will amaze you and give you some insight as to why we are where we are when it comes to antisemitism, BDS and anti-Israel today.


May 12, 2016 episode. Get out your pens and paper again, in honor of Israel's Independence Day Gadi and Dee were joined by Rabbi Aryel Nachman and managed, somehow, to cover the establishment of Israel in 2 hours! No commercials tonight, but they did Israeli music breaks. You will learn a lot more about how Israel came to be than you can imagine!


May 5, 2016 episode. Cinco De Mayo! Okay, so much for our Mexican Jewish friends, on with the show! Had lots to cover tonight, the death of Navy SEAL Charles Keating IV "C4", the increase of fighting on the Gaza border (so much for the ceasefire with Hamas) and the antisemitism in the UK coming to a head on election day and Gadi and Dee's take on Trump!.


April 28, 2016 episode. Get out you papers and pens people, it's history time! Gadi and Dee spent two hours explaining the history of the Temple Mount. What is it? Who built it and why? How did it factor in to past problems and violence long before Israel was even a nation and what about today? Even if you don't like history this is something everyone needs to know! Also, we debuted the new ad for the United American Patriots!


April 21, 2016 episode. This past Monday, April 18th, Israel suffered the first bus bombing since November 21, 2012. This was Gadi's rant of the night and it was a rant to outdo all rants! After all the news you don't get from the MSM and the song breaks by the late "Prince", Gadi ranted like never before, this is a must listen!


April 14, 2016 episode. Gadi and Dee were truly honored to have two outstanding Americans on the show tonight! Major Bill Donahue, the founder of United American Patriots and their newest employee, Corey Clagett. The guests came on after the news and of course a Gadi rant that was extremely on point. Fabulous show tonight!


April 7, 2016 episode. What a fun and happy night! Started off the show with a call from Corey Clagett and his mom Melanie! Corey is out and in his new home and with his family! The second hour was all Toots Sweet, we have been playing Toots music here since day one and he has a new sound, 'Soho Rodeo', you have to hear to understand! We had a few callers as well and even Wild Bill for America called in! Truly a happy show for a change from start to finish.


March 31, 2016 episode. Gadi and Dee both had to work today so there was no prep for the show, but as usual... It went off without a hitch! Gadi and Dee covered the news, Gadi had a rant (as usual) and Wild Bill for America called in to round out the show and we had a caller who talked about the technology our military has that our government won't let them use. All in all, a great show!


March 24, 2016 episode. Get the tissues ready! Some good news for a change! We had a special guest on at the top of the show, Melanie Dianiska who is Corey Clagetts mother. We have told Corey's story on the show before, he has been in Leavenworth Military prison for over a decade for being part of a group that shot a terrorist in Iraq in 2006. He is getting out in 6 days and we surprised his mom by having another surprise guest, Jason on the show, Jason is getting and training a Service dog for Corey. You need to hear this and give to the Corey Service dog fund. Amazing surprises on the air!


March 17, 2016 episode. Priceless. That's the word that sums up tonight's show. Gadi and Dee did a St. Patrick's day show with all the news and some audios that they'd been wanting to play for a while, but that was until "Ton" called in. The man who found the show to be nothing but "propaganda" and wanted to argue. It was priceless and it is a must listen!


March 10, 2016 episode. Bloody Tuesday and Gadi's rant, the news and then the audio (video linked in chat room) of the Oregon Rancher Robert "LaVoy" Finicum that was killed by the Federal Govt./Oregon State Police. The video from inside the truck was just released and Gadi and Dee played it and discussed it. Wild Bill for America called in as well!


March 3, 2016 episode. Short and sweet. Tonight Gadi and Dee got a lot in in one hour and the show was shortened to allow our listeners to switch over to the very important debate.


February 25, 2016 episode. Talk about a 'rant' night... Gadi was on a roll from Apple to Iran, the whole night was one big rant! Wild Bill for America called in stayed for the whole show. Dee, Gadi and Wild Bill all ranted about the 'purging' of our Military and the Muslim Brotherhood!


February 18 episode. Welcome back Rabbi Nachman! Dee was not going to make it to the studio in time for the show, so the Rabbi filled in! Well, Dee made it in time and it was the old crew for the whole show. Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee covered the week from Scalia, to the terror attack in Israel today that left one IDF soldier dead, to the Marine who was attacked in DC for being white and Gadi had a rant on a new study that the Bible (Old and New Testaments) are more violent than the Quran! You have to hear it to believe it.


February 11, 2016 episode. This is a MUST listen to show! Aside from when Gadi and Dee got bumped off the air, this was one of the most important and educational shows! There is a point in the middle when you'll have some 'dead air', just wait, we come right back. Gadi and Dee covered what to do in case of an EMP attack, a must hear! This may very well save your life!


February 4, 2016 episode. Tonight we were honored to have to great patriots join us. Colonel Dick Brauer and Lt. Colonel Ken Benway both co-founders of Special Operations Speaks were our guests! The spoke about VPAC, Veterans Patriot Action Conference that is coming up February 18-19 in SC. We had the news and Gadi and Dee had a rant and debunked Obama's so called "facts" from his speech at the Islamic Society of Baltimore yesterday!


January 28, 2016 episode. Debate night? Perhaps, but not unless you count Gadi, Dee, the Rabbi and Wild Bill for America debating each other! Both the Rabbi and Wild Bill called in and made for a fun conversation. That and all the news to round out the night!


January 21, 2016 episode. That was a weird night! We had more callers than I can count! Wild Bill for America, Vito from the Mama mia no Sharia show, Kel from Infidels are watching and Matt 4 America just to name a few. We covered all the unbelievable news and had some great rants as well!


January 14, 2016 episode. Wow! Gadi and Dee's heads hurt after that one. They covered the Iran seizure of our Navy ships and the Administration's response, a Gadi rant was in there. After, Gadi did a long but needed explanation of the latest N. Korean H-bomb test and the truth behind it and EMP's. This is a must listen to segment! Of course they covered ISIS and the attacks in Turkey and Indonesia.


January 7, 2016 episode. Finally back after 2 weeks off! Gadi and Dee missed you guys and almost forgot how to do a show (not that they were very good at it to begin with). Tonight we covered House Resolution 569, Obama's executive gun control, gang rapes in Germany and our guest was Jim Duncan who is running for Congress to replace Renee Elmers in the 2nd Congressional seat!


December 17, 2015 episode. Another year has gone by, it was the last show of the year due to the way the next couple of holidays fall. Tonight we welcomed Farrah Prudence to the show. Farrah is a former Muslim who did a Youtube video, "Islam is not a race". Her honesty on her life and leaving Islam is an amazing story! We had a caller who sort of disagreed with Gadi, but as usual... It all ended well. See you next year!


December 10, 2015 episode. A real informative night! Wild Bill for America called in and stayed for the first hour, and our guest in the second hour was Rik Kirchner the CEO of Kirik International. Rik trains people on how to recognize and survive an active shooter event. This is must listen to show! Great guest and some great call as well!


December 3, 2015 episode. Our first night back since Thanksgiving and what a night to come back to. San Bernardino - enough said. Tonight we had 2 guests. First up was the CEO of Kirik International, Rik Kirchner teaches how to survive an 'active shooter' situation and spoke on what to do if you were ever in that type of situation. Second up was Col. Lawrence Sellin and he spoke about the current political situation and the upcoming election.


November 19, 2015 episode. Our guest that was scheduled tonight had an emergency and couldn't make it, we will reschedule him for a future show. With no guest, Gadi and Dee had to improvise, not hard to do with all that is going on right now. Gadi and Dee rants, plus the callers made it an informative night! Probably no show next week, so Happy Thanksgiving to all!


November 12, 2015 episode. Well, the PC Gadi show lasted all of about 9 minutes. Yes, you'll need to listen to understand. After the news we were honored to have AlfonZo Rachel of ZoNation and 20 lb Sledge fame join us! If you don't know AlfonZo, you need to! The Rabbi even came in as co-host with Dee since he is a big AlfonZo fan as well!


November 5, 2015 episode. Wow, what a night! It truly is too much to cover in 2 hours. Gadi and Dee tried to no avail to fit it all in, but they didn't even finish the International news. Tonight's show was dedicated to those lost, injured and affected by the Ft. Hood terrorist massacre which was six years ago today.


October 29, 2015 episode. Halloween special! All the music, the songs, the bumpers, everything was Halloween! Gadi and Dee did a Debate recap and played their favorite parts! During the news, the Rabbi called in! Great show ending with a letter from Israel that explained a lot!


October 22, 2015 episode. The Benghazi hearing... Dun Dun Dunnn. Gadi, Dee and the Rabbi, yes the Rabbi! We covered Hillary's testimony, and of course all the rest of the news that wasn't in the MSM due to the hearing. We discussed Israel and the Temple Mount with an explanation from the Rabbi on the history!


October 15, 2015 episode. Another show, another great guest! I can't begin to explain what we covered with Mark Sutherland, film maker from the UK. Mark called in from the UK shortly after 8pm and stayed for over an hour. From his new movie, 'Between Lambs and Lions', the current administration, the Middle East and the problems of Islam in the UK just to name a few. Great guest and conversation!


October 8, 2015 episode. Israel in flames? Dee was away in Texas visiting friends and Rabbi Nachman was kind enough to fill in as guest co-host! The past eight days in Israel have seen hundreds of attacks, the Rabbi and I agree... We are facing another Intifada! After the news we devoted the show to all about what is happening in Israel!


October 1, 2015 episode. These interviews just keep getting better and better! Tonight Gadi and Dee were honored to be joined by a true American hero, Kris "Tanto" Paranto! Kris was one of the 3 'Annex' security members that co wrote the book "13 hours in Benghazi". The true account of the events of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special Mission Compound and a nearby CIA station called the Annex in Benghazi, Libya. All the news a Gadi rant and our guest made for a great night!


September 24, 2015 episode. In a word... Fantastic! Considering that both Dee and Gadi worked today, the show was awesome! We cannot thank enough the wonderful guest, Robert Doubek! Robert was in charge of building the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall and is the author of the book "Creating the Vietnam Veterans Memorial: The Inside Story". It was a fabulous interview with a behind the scenes look at the building of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. We had all the news and Gadi had time for a rant about Dr. Ben Carson and his statement on a Muslim President.


September 17, 2015 episode. Due to last week's Blogtalk Radio screw up there was no show. Tonight we did our annual 9/11 tribute as we do each and every year since we couldn't last week. Rabbi Nachman joined us as a special guest host for this show as well. After Gadi, Dee and the Rabbi finished the news it was a trip down the worst of memory lane. We went back to 9/11. All the music starting with the opening song was specially chosen for tonight's show.


September 3, 2015 episode. Another week and more death. No, not just in the Middle East, here at home. Gadi and Dee did the news and there was a lot! Trump, Clinton, Iran, cop killings, American tourists attacked in the West Bank was just some of the news. Gadi had a rant with audio from the Black Lives Matter Blogtalk show. BLM is calling for the deaths of cops and whites and Gadi has had enough!


August 27, 2015 episode. Well, the night wouldn't be complete without Blogtalk issues! We actually had a great show once Gadi and Dee were able to get on air! Skip to 2:10 minutes in to the show because the beginning was 'dead air'. Anyway, lots of news and views tonight, Gadi and Dee were ranting against each other at one point about Donald Trump! They covered all the news along with rants and comments!


August 20, 2015 episode. Dee and Gadi actually managed to squeeze in 3 hours of news into 2 hours! Wow, what a night. We had Beth Wright Underwood call in at the top of the show to mention the anniversary of the deaths of 2 National Guardsmen from 10 years ago as well as her book that depicted their service in Iraq and then we did the news and even a full Gadi rant!


August 13, 2015 episode. Call it a Hillary kinda night! After the news which as usual wasn't (as Pharrell Williams would say) 'happy', Gadi did a rant on Hillary and the new info coming out on the Top Secret and Classified emails that were found. We had Sue from New Mexico call in with some interesting thoughts on Hillary, Obama and the possible upcoming firestorm from this email investigation.


August 6, 2015 episode. Republican debate night! Short, sweet and to the point! We cut the show to one hour so everyone could tune in to the debate at 9pm. The Rabbi joined us for a surprise and helped with the news, now to the debate!


July 30, 2015 episode. Part 2 of last weeks show and this show was even better than the first! Hamody Jasim, the "Terrorist Whisperer" was back on and we still did not have enough time to cover everything. Tonight Hamody shared with us the nitty gritty of saving an American Colonel and foiling a suicide bomb belt attack on 17 American Advisors! A must listen to show all the way to the end as we went over by 15 minutes!


July 23, 2015 episode. Without a doubt one of the best guests and interview we have had to date! Due to difficulties on the internet the sound was in and out, but Hamody Jasim will be back next Thursday to finish his story! The "Terrorist Whisperer" as he was known by those in the US Military is an amazing young man who saved countless American lives and you have to hear this show!


July 16, 2015 episode. Chattanooga, TN. Bad way to start the night. We covered the terrorist shooting in Chattanooga and then the Iran deal before our guest Charles Ortel joined us. Charles was an amazing guest that has investigated and continues to investigate the Clinton Foundation. You must hear this interview, it is truly eye opening and frightening!


July 9, 2015 episode. Another fabulous night if we say so ourselves! Gadi and Dee covered EVERYTHING that they had planned from the ISIS planned attacks on the US on July 4th, the Confederate flag debate, the Redskins name debate and the history behind it, the International news from Israel to Iran and lastly a double Gadi/Dee rant on the stats of Illegals committing crimes and the 'Sanctuary Cities' numbers.


July 2, 2015 episode. Happy 4th! Tonight was a special Madison Rising tribute night and what a great show it was! After the news Gadi and Dee had Richard the MR band manager along with some fanatical fans... Kimberly, Chad, Jeff, and Paula. These 'fans' are really a patriotic family and you need to hear these stories!


June 25, 2015 episode! Great show! Yes, if I say so myself, it was an awesome show! Gadi and Dee had a 'twofer', two rants in one night. From Obama and hostage negotiating to the Confederate flag debate, plus all the news both domestic and international we got it all in!


June 18, 2015 episode. We pulled it off! Another day that Gadi had to work, but with everything going on it was an awesome show! The Church massacre in SC, the Church burning in Israel, Obama 'never let a crisis go to waste' and all the news! Both Gadi and Dee (Bill Gates and Pegasus) each had a rant and yes, you'll need to listen to the show to understand the Gates/Pegasus connection.


June 11, 2015 episode. Fantastic! First the Rabbi shows up! Yes, THE Rabbi, that one. Then we have our guest Billy Shea call in, you need to hear this man's story and help in anyway you can. Lastly, Dr. Gary Katz called in from Israel (4:30 am their time), interestingly enough the Dr. said he had some strange feeling he needed to call in and it was at the same time Billy Shea called. Wow! Listen to how these two people are connected and why. Truly a Twilight Zone moment!


June 4, 2015 episode. Wow! Can I just say, WOW! What a night, tonight Gadi and Dee were joined by none other than Sam Fishman, the drummer from the most patriotic rock band, Madison Rising!  Gadi and Dee spoke about ALL the news from just one week and couldn't even fit it all in and then Sam joined us for the entire second hour and spoke about Madison Rising, the 'Defend Freedom Tour 2015', their new venture, Madison Rising Shows For Heroes, and his recent trip to Israel. All that and a caller from Canada!


May 28, 2015 episode. Started with our guest at the top of the show. General Paul Vallely never disappoints! The General spent the entire first hour with Gadi and Dee and this is an interview you must hear! The second hour was the news and Dee, yes Dee, had a rant!


May 21, 2015 episode. Considering that we had to pull another show out of thin air, it was in a word... Awesome! Gadi and Dee didn't have time before the show for the proper "prep" time, but managed to pull it together. Gadi had not one, but two rants tonight and then we were joined by author, blogger, Dom the Conservative. Dom is a writer for the website and was at the Garland, Texas Freedom of speech event during the terrorist attack. Great young lady who knows her stuff when it comes to Islam! A must listen to interview!


May 14, 2015 episode. First night with Just Dee and Gadi and it went better than expected. Boy, we miss the Rabbi! We didn't have the time to get to all the news but both Gadi and even Dee had their own rants tonight! We were joined by author Jim Simpson, Jim writes for American Thinker, Breitbart and the Examiner and his site, Fabulous interview with a man who really knows and understands the liberal left and the reasons for their agenda!


May 7, 2015 episode. Sad night here at America Akbar and the Radio Jihad Network! Tonight was Rabbi Aryel Nachman's last night on the show. As the Rabbi explained, he is a Rabbi and must answer a "higher calling". He will be back now and again to visit, but his insight, views and overall knowledge will be missed greatly. Listen to the show to hear "round two" of Gadi and the Rabbi on the Garland, Texas attack and even Al and Vito called in for that one!


April 30, 2015 episode. Wow! What an amazing show! I always love when a former Muslim comes on and tells the truth about Islam and Nonie Darwish didn't disappoint! As she said, "How can there be a moderate and radical Islam, there is only one Quran!" Gadi had a couple different rants and he and Dee spoke about the trip to Washington DC!


April 23, 2015 episode. Too much to talk about (as usual). As Gadi stated at the outset of the show, "I don't know what we're going to talk about after Obama leaves office"! Hamas fires a rocket in to Israel, Hillary's 'Clinton Foundation' was getting millions while she was Secretary of Stateand coincidentally it came from countries that were getting deals that needed to be approved by the State Dept. Hmmmm. Obama knew about the 'Iranian break-out time' for a bomb before Netanyahu even came and addressed Congress. All this and much more were the topics for Gadi the Rabbi and Dee tonight!


April 16, 2015 episode. Fantastic show with our guest Erick Stakelbeck! Erick's new book, ISIS Exposed is out and to say it is timely is an understatement. Listen to this episode if you want to hear Erick answer the question, "What can we do"? With all the news this week there was a recurring theme and Gadi had a rant that hit on all the news!


April 9, 2015 episode. Another show, another week, more news to make your head explode! When will ANYONE in this administration be held accountable? This question and so many more were pondered tonight from the Iran 'framework' deal, Bergdahl, and Islam and contracts. Holger from the 'Holger Awakens' show called in and joined the Rabbi, Dee and Gadi to make it a fun night!


April 2, 2015 episode. A "deal" with Iran? Really? Yes this was just one of tonight's topics. An attack at a college in Kenya by the al-Qadea group, al-Shabaab strange that only those that weren't Muslims were killed, the latest numbers were 148 dead. This and so much more the night before Passover!


March 26, 2015 episode. Well, even Gadi gets sick once in while. He was there, but was he really? A little out of it, but there. Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee actually covered quite a bit on tonight's show. From Bowe Bergdahl to Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia, everything was covered tonight. The whole show needs to be heard because along with some new ads there was new music as well.


March 19,2015 episode. Fantastic night! That's the only way to describe tonight's show. Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee managed somehow to not only cover the important news items, but Gadi explained the Israeli election process as well as why it's important to look at what party came in 3rd. In the second hour they had the esteemed guest once again, Dr. Walid Phares, FOX News terrorism analyst. At the end of the show Gadi had a rant of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW). The only country according to the UN, of the 193 member countries to be a "violator of women's rights" is Israel. Yes, you have to hear it to believe it.


March 12, 2015 episode. Another week and no lack of news! Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee had their work cut out for them between the Chris Cornell Jail House interview, the news from ISIS to Boko Haram to France and Israel and then the multiple rant on Hillary and her email press conference! All 3 songs tonight were Jamie Jones including his new hit "Pissed Off Rednecks"! And... Not to be out done, Gadi re-did the 'South Park' Cartman song about Kyles mom to fit in with Hillary!


March 5, 2015 episode. It really is true when we say that there is too much to cover from one week in just two hours! Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee tried and after a lot of news they had Audrey Russo of Reel Talk who called in and they discussed Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress and the appalling Democratic replies.


February 26, 2015 episode. Another show with 2 hours of just Gadi, Rabbi and Dee! Way too much to cover in that time. A lot of news was covered this week from the death of a Tuskegee Airman to al Shabab, we had audio from Trey Gowdy, Gadi played his interview from last night on WILS and we had another multiple rant, this time on the Eddie Ray Routh verdict. Great questions and a lot to ponder.


February 19, 2015 episode. No guest tonight and with good reason, with Obama's speech on 'violent extremism', Marie Harf saying that we need jobs for Jihadi's not too mention, Rudy Giuliani and Admiral Lyons, we had not only a lot to discuss, but... We had something new, a 'multiple rant'! This is a not to be missed show with the info of what Gadi has been saying since 1981!


February 12, 2015 episode. Fabulous doesn't even begin to explain it! What a show! Gadi, Rabbi and Dee had Major General Paul Vallely on in the second hour. The General is a wealth of info and you have to listen to hear his views on the current Administration, ISIS and even the 'missing' WMD's from Iraq. The first hour we covered Kayla Mueller's death, the shooting of the 3 Muslims in NC and the Chris Kyle trial. At shows end Gadi read a piece about why Jews in America are liberal.


February 5, 2015 episode. Either Gadi has to start doing another weekly show or America Akbar needs to be longer than 2 hours! Tonight the Rabbi, Dee and Gadi didn't even really get to the news from Israel. Between Brian Williams from NBC, Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast and a Lt. Col. Ralph Peters audio it went right in to the guest, Peter G. Pollak. Peter is the author of the new novel 'A House Divided' and discussed the book along with why he felt he had to write it. As Gadi said on the show, "Every student in High School and College should read this book"!


January 29, 2015 episode. Israel buries more soldiers, the Sinai has multiple attacks, the Muslim Brotherhood meets in OUR State Department and the "Taliban is not a terrorist organization". Just a few of the things that Rabbi, Dee and Gadi discussed. In the second hour film maker Ami Horowitz joined us and then Gadi had a rant that even made his head hurt!


January 22, 2015 episode. Just when you think the show can't get any better... Tonight the Rabbi, Dee and Gadi were blessed to be joined by Jacob Schick. After a triple-stacked tank mine detonated below his vehicle in Al Anbar Province, Iraq in 2004 Jake has undergone 46 operations, 23 blood transfusions, and countless hours of rehabilitation. He is truly an inspiration and continues to serve by helping other Vets. He played 'Wynn' in the movie American Sniper and his story and his will must be heard. To say it was a great interview would be an understatement!


January 15, 2015 episode. What a show! Anjem Choudary finally made it in after an hour plus of difficulties. You have to listen to the question and answer segment between Gadi and Anjem to get a true understanding of Islam! From gays to marriage to Jihad, they covered it all! There was some technical difficulties, but thanks to Kel (Red Fox) we finally got him on the air!


January 8, 2015 episode. Tonight's show was all about the French magazine 'Charlie Hebdo'. Terrorists shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in a Islamist attack. Four of the magazine's well-known cartoonists, including its editor, were among those killed, as well as two police officers. The MSM has done it again and refuses to call this attack what it is, "An Islamic terrorist attack". Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee played clips of World leaders speaking on the attack and they all had one thing in common. The word "Islam" was NEVER mentioned. Gadi's rant was all about why it must be called what it is!


January 1, 2015 episode! Happy New Year! Another year is behind us and from the start of the show Gadi didn't let us forget that. The Intro was a quick recap of last year, Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee had the first 'Achmed Award' for 2015 and the our guest, Harmon Kaslow, Producer of the Atlas Shrugged Trilogy joined us to discuss the ramifications of the Sony movie the 'Interview' being pulled. All the news, a great guest, the year started off right on America Akbar!


December 18, 2014 episode. Another week and certainly no lack of material! Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee spoke about the Palestinian Authority's UN 'Resolution to Force Israeli Withdrawal', the Sony cyber attack, how will the new relations with Cuba affect us here in the U.S. and more importantly, where will it lead to next? Another crazy show for one of the eight crazy nights!


December 11, 2014 episode. Fantastic show, but once again Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee ran out of time before they could get it all in. Gadi did a rant (and what a rant it was!) on the release of the Dianne Feinstein 'CIA Interrogation Report'. The cost, the people involved, the ramifications to our allies and enemies, the Israeli involvement and the big picture that no one else has even thought about! Tonight was the Rabbi's pick for the music and it was also another 'Beatle Bumper' Thursday!


December 4, 2014 episode. As Gadi stated at the beginning of the show, "We could do 3 hours and not get it all in!" Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee covered everything from the Pope, to US Congress, to another terror attack in Jerusalem and yes, even Ferguson. Man, did Gadi go on a rant about Ferguson! You'll want to hear the 'racist' Gadi yell about that and then the Rabbi followed up with his own rant about Obama and the 'National Security Force'.


November 20, 2014 episode. A massacre in a Jerusalem Synagogue and no, that word, 'massacre' doesn't begin to explain what happened. Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee covered a ton of news, the Jerusalem terror and we had Dave Bray, the lead singer from Madison Rising on with the DEBUT (first time on radio!) of their new song, "Soldiers Christmas". You must hear this show!


November 13, 2014 episode. Sad without the rabbi, he was out due to the death of his father the "Rav". Dee and Gadi covered a ton of news, Gadi had a rant and we discussed Obama's 10 point 'immigration' plan that he will take Executive action on next week. We spoke more on the rise of Antisemitism, Islam studies in our public schools and of course the Israeli - Palestinian issue.


November 6, 2014 episode. Well it took a while, but Blogtalk had issues again tonight. Aside from Gadi, yes, the host Gadi, being bumped offline for about 10 minutes it was a great show. The Rabbi stood in while Gadi was absent. After a 'montage' with the "Goodbye" song for the Dem's and a short news night Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee spoke about the situation in Israel with the "Silent Intifada". Now vehicles, cars, vans, trucks are being used as a terrorist weapon!


October 30, 2014 episode. Gadi, the Rabbi and Dee gave a history lesson tonight! After the attempted assassination of Rabbi Yehuda Gilck and the death of the 'terrorist' thought to have shot him, Mutaz Hijaziof. Tonight we spoke about the Temple Mount. Why is Israel not in control of sovereign land within Jerusalem and Israel? Why are Jews banned from there when it is Judaisms Holiest site? What will happen now that Israel has closed the Temple Mount for both Jews and Muslims?


October 23, 2014 episode. Fabulous night! Rabbi was back and joined Gadi and Dee for the full 2 hours! Gadi had a rant about the "silent Intifada" that is ongoing in Jerusalem and the second hour was all Jan Morgan! Jan was in the news recently (that's an understatement) since she declared her gun range business "a Muslim Free zone", listen and get the scoop as to why and what is happening!


October 16, 2014 episode. Another night without the Rabbi, but... We had Gadi and Dee along with the special guest Richard Mgrdechain the Manager of the conservative rock band Madison Rising. Ebola was the main topic (what a shocker) and the show tonight was brought to you by Ebozine! Guess you have to listen to the podcast to understand it.


October 9, 2014 episode. What a fantastic night! As one person in the chat room commented, "this show is going by waaaaay too fast!". The first hour Gadi and Dee did all the news and a rant, the Rabbi was absent due to Sukkot, but in the second hour they were joined by Debbie Lee of America's Mighty Warriors organization! She was such an amazing guest, you have to hear this interview and yes, it will give you goose bumps and bring tears to your eyes!


October 2, 2014 episode. Surgery and Percocet, what a fun mix to have while doing a show! Gadi had surgery on Tuesday, but the show must go on! Rabbi, Dee and Gadi had all the news and then special guest, former CIA operative Clare Lopez called in for the second hour. ISIS, Hamas, Israel and of course the Oklahoma beheading were all discussed.


September 25, 2014 episode. Shana Tovah! Happy New Year! It's Rosh Hashana and the Rabbi was absent, Dee and Gadi did the show and man the time went to quick! Gadi did a rant all about Obama's speech at the UN and Dee covered the Ted Cruz bill that would have stripped Americans of their citizenship if they joined ISIS. Great show that you won't want to miss!


September 18, 2014 episode. What will forever be known as the "Night of the Gadi rant". The Rabbi, Dee our newest member, Dee the "Crimson Warrior" and Gadi had what appeared to be a normal night until... Gadi started a rant that even he wasn't expecting, it went on for well over an hour, through 2 skipped breaks and, well, needless to say, he's had it. You have to listen to hear the reasons and the frustration!


September 11, 2014 episode. The sad truth. Tonight Gadi the Rabbi and Dee had a special 9/11 episode in which they discussed the last 13 years since the attack on our homeland. Are we safer now? Is our government dealing correctly with terror? And what about ISIS and Obama's speech from the previous night? All that and a bunch of callers, even Wild Bill for America called in!


September 4, 2014 episode. Fabulous night, depressing yes, but a great show. Rabbi and Gadi covered all the news from ISIS to Israel, Gadi had a rant about a disabled Vet that he met and there were a lot of new listeners!


August 28, 2014 episode. Reese's last night, sniff sniff, for a while anyway. Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi had some fun on the show tonight, but it got serious when the Gadi rant on ISIS came around! A must listen to show for Reese's last!


August 21, 2014 episode. Great show with the guest we had this evening! Christopher Holton joined for the entire second half of the show! Christopher Holton is Director of Education and Outreach at ACT! for America. Holton joined ACT! for America after serving for 10 years at the Center for Security Policy, where he directed the Center's Divest Terror Initiative and Shariah Risk Due Diligence Program. Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi discussed the current events in Israel and the second half was all about ISIS!


August 14, 2014 episode. Cease fire? Yes, no, maybe so? Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi did a small tribute to Robin Williams and then it was on to the news and discussions. The blocking of arms shipments to Israel by the Obama Administration, 10,000 rallying in Tel Aviv to continue the fight against Hamas and even the US Postal service refusing to deliver mail to Israel. At the end of the show we had a big announcement about INTN (Israel News Talk Network)!


August 7, 2014 episode. Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were joined by none other than Gadi's father! As suspected ahead of time... He was not very talkative. They covered the current Israeli-Hamas cease fire (which was broken just before the show ended), discussed the Hamas PR and how they seem to be winning and took a call from Kel in Canada who explained the rise of Antisemitism there including her own experiences.


July 31, 2014 episode. Another 'cease fire'? Hamas has violated each and every last cease fire, why would this be any different? Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi discuss this as well as the rise in Antisemitism throughout Europe, Canada and the US. If you want to know what is going on in Israel and the Middle East you need to listen to this show!


July 24, 2014 episode. Do I need to explain what we talked about on tonight's show? The Rabbi, Reese and Gadi obviously spoke about the ongoing Operation Protective Edge in Gaza, but more importantly they spoke about the rise in Antisemitism throughout the world. Wake up and look at what is really going on around you, we are the only ones who can keep the 1930's from occurring all over again!


July 17, 2014 episode. Israel incursion in to Gaza, anyone want to guess what we talked about tonight? Malaysian Airlines #17 was shot down over the Ukraine killing 298 people including at least 23 Americans and yes, we discussed that as well. 2 callers tonight, one from NY and one from Germany. Rabbi, Reese and Gadi explained 'disproportionate' force and even talked about... Dare I say, Bill Maher.


July 10, 2014 episode. An episode that you must listen too! Gadi and the Rabbi covered everything about Operation Protective Edge. What's happening in Israel right now? What led up to this and why? What will Israel do next? All this and more gets covered in one of the most important and informative shows we've ever done, so listen in!


July 3, 2014 episode. Of all the shows that Gadi has done, this is really the most important and needed. With the Middle East and Israel on fire we are as Rabbi Nachman said, "at a Gates of Vienna moment"! Listen to this show, share it far and wide!


June 26, 2014 episode. I honestly think it would be impossible to have a bad show given everything going on in the world right now, there is so much too choose from. Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi covered the news from Nigeria to Israel to the U.S. and yes... Iraq. Gadi ranted about Iraq and what the U.S. should and more importantly, shouldn't be doing and we had a great caller to round out the show!


June 19, 2014 episode. Call tonight's show a downer if you like, but the truth hurts. Given everything that is going on from Iraq, to the kidnapped Israeli teens, there really was no good news aside from a new 'Achmed Award'. Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were joined by the very outspoken former Nay SEAL Ben Smith and it was one hell of a show!


June 12, 2012 episode. It wouldn't be a regular night if Gadi didn't go off on a rant. Tonight Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi talked about how Iraq is imploding and Gadi had a rant. Bergdahl and Hillary were topics of discussion as well and lastly we had the continuation of 'Theory Why', a great topic... Why do Liberals side with and make the Muslims out to be the victim? Very interesting facts that the Rabbi revealed tonight about where Liberalism started.


June 5, 2014 episode. After being on the Sean Hannity show this afternoon... What a show! Yes, Gadi was a guest on Sean's radio program today and then followed up with his own show. The Rabbi was absent due to the Shavuot Holiday but Reese and Gadi pulled it off. The news, a Gadi Rant (a couple actually) and the Sean Hannity segment with Gadi was even played! This one is a must hear for the caller at the end of the show as Gadi got on a real downer.


May 29, 2014 episode. No guest tonight which opened more time for Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi to discuss the news and goings on with the world. The best part was that the Rabbi and Gadi announced the new 'Theory why' segment! Why is Liberalism so sided with Islam? This is a fantastic 'Theory Why', but you'll have to listen to learn!


May 22, 2014 episode. Memorial Day weekend coming up and Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi had Colonel Lawrence Sellin on as tonight's guest. The first hour was a short news break about Marine Andrew Tahmooressi who is still being held in a Mexican jail and then Gadi had a rant about the 'Iranian 6' who were jailed in Iran for being 'Happy'. Truly a fantastic show with a lot of information about Iran, its history and then with Colonel Sellin on the State of the U.S. and where we are headed.


May 15, 2014 episode. News, discussion, callers and a guest! Tonight Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were joined by Rick Pere, retired U. S. Army Airborne, Infantry soldier, specializing in Counter Terrorism operations, Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare operations. He served for over 30 years in various capacities. His knowledge of history and Islam is amazing! This must be heard if you wonder where we are headed in this country!


May 8, 2014 episode. Another fun filled night on America Akbar! Tonight Reese was back, the Rabbi was here as usual and the night wouldn't have been complete without a Gadi rant! Gadi ranted on the news of the Beverly Hills Hotel and the boycott due to Sharia law. What took so long? We had all the news, a few callers and even a caller to the new segment 'Gadi's advice corner'! That has to be heard to be believed.


May 1, 2014 episode. Unfortunately Reese had no internet due to the weather, but the Rabbi and Gadi had one hell of a show with way too much fun! The news, a Gadi 'rant' about John Kerry and his use of the word 'apartheid" and as usual... More to talk about then the time would allow!


April 24, 2014 episode. Another fabulous night at 'America Akbar'! Tonight, Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi had so much to discuss that once again, sadly, they didn't even have time to get to the 'Theory Why' segment. The news out of the Middle East and Gadi's rant about the 9/11 Memorial Museum are a must hear!


April 17, 2014 episode. Have you had the feeling lately that there is TOO MUCH news? Gadi, the Rabbi and Reese can't cover everything in 2 hours, but they tried! The Ukraine Jews to the 'Theory Why' episode and a Gadi Rant about a school in Nebraska on 'How to handle bullies'. Night's like this the show could go on for hours!


April 10,2014 episode. WOW! What a night! This is truly a must listen to show! Tonight, Rabbi, Reese and Gadi had Staff Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford on as their guest. Sgt. Lunsford is a Fort Hood survivor from the 2009 massacre and spoke about the recent shooting at Fort Hood as well as how the government is not taking care (benefits, etc,) of those injured and killed that day. A very eye opening show!


April 3, 2014 episode. 60's 'rock' bumper music and Skype issues can sum up tonight's show. Oh, Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi did discuss a few things in between. Ft. Hood was obviously a topic for the night along with all the news you won't get from the main stream media. Our guest unfortunately didn't make it in tonight, but I think we got bumped due to Sean Hannity since he is on that show as as I write this. Sgt. Alonzo Lunsford will be booked again for a future show.


March 27, 2014 episode. Wow, talk about your rants! Gadi went off tonight about Malaysian flight MH370 and how we'd better use 'common sense' rather than believe what the news is spewing! Reese played the new Madison Rising song, "Amazing America" which is AWESOME! Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi did all the important news and even had time to cover a little of the 'Theory Why' episode!


March 20, 2014 episode. Fabulous night! Dr. Walid Phares was our guest and the time flew by way too fast. Dr. Phares who you know from FOX News as well as many other radio and TV shows released his latest and 5th book, "The Lost Spring" - "US Policy in the Middle East and Catastrophes to Avoid" and joined the Rabbi, Reese and Gadi to discuss it. Not giving anything away, you have to listen to learn!


March 13, 2014 episode. First up was our guest, Aryeh Ohayon, an Army and Navy veteran who served for 23 years, suffers from PTSD and was kicked out of a Houston, TX restaurant because of his service dog. After an informative talk with Aryeh about people with disabilities and their service dogs, Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi did the news, an Achmed Award and a new segment that we will be calling the "Shelia Jackass Lee Award". The last 20 minutes was spent on the 'Theory Why' segment, all in all a great show from start to finish!


March 6, 2014 episode. Two hours with our guest! Tonight the Rabbi, Reese and Gadi had John Guandolo on for the whole 2 hours and what a night it was! John Guandolo is the Founder of ( and is the Author of the newly released book, Raising a Jihadi Generation. His bio is too long to list here, but let's point out that he created and implemented the FBI’s first Counterterrorism Training/Education Program and spent 2 hours discussing and answering questions all about the Muslim Brotherhood here in America. This truly is the most concise, educational show on one subject we have had in a long time!


February 27, 2014 episode. Back to normal, as far as normal is around here. Reese, Rabbi and Gadi discussed the Madison Rising "Star Spangled Banner" debacle from last weeks Daytona COPD 300 and of course did the news both National and International and then, finally, started the new 'Theory Why' segment. Would Law Enforcement actually follow an order to take away your guns?


February 20, 2014 episode. Remembering Lisa Ann Vanderleest. Although we did the news and had some rants, tonight was definitely all about Ann. This past week America Akbar lost a fan and more than that a dear friend. Ann you will be missed.


February 13,2014 episode. To quote the Rabbi, "That was a powerful interview"! This evening Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were honored to have Billy Vaughn, father of SEAL Team member Aaron Vaughn who was killed in Afghanistan. His death, along with 29 other US military members can best be described by the books title "Betrayed". Amazing interview and a MUST hear!


February 6, 2014 episode. Being a little under the weather won't stop Gadi from screaming and that's just what he did during his 'double' rant! Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi had all the news and then a very interesting opening 'Theory Why' segment! This one will really get you thinking!


January 30, 2014 episode. We have had guests and we have had guests, but tonight... Wow! Dr. Zuhdi Jasser was our guest and not just once but twice. Dr. Jasser was on at the start of the show and had to leave for another radio interview and came back on 10 minutes later. It was a fabulous interview covering the upcoming Olympics, the 'relaxing' of US Military uniforms and then, then Gadi questioned him on his faith and beliefs of Islam. A must hear show! There is a slight 10 second gap after the intro music.


January 23, 2014 episode. Fabulous show to say the least! Rabbi, Reese and Gadi had too much to talk about tonight! All the news you won't hear elsewhere as well as another segment of 'Theory Why'. Great show with even better commentary!


January 16, 2014 episode. I have to say, given how the night started... GREAT show! Gadi, Reese and the Rabbi were delayed a minute or so do to computer issues, but once on the air they rocked! We actually managed to get all the news in that we had planned along with a very short "Theory Why" episode. The Theory Why is gaining traction, we saw a lot of new people in chat tonight and hope that trend continues!


January 9, 2014 episode. Not only were we pressed for time, the phone calls kept us from getting to our Theory Why segment! Gadi had a rant this evening on Robert Gates and his book "Duty", after that Rabbi, Reese and Gadi were kept busy on the phone with questions that ranged from Ariel Sharon to Counter-terror. Lots of information and important news!


January 2, 2014 episode. Happy new Year and our first show of 2014! The first hour Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were joined by Lisa Benson and heard all about her recent trip to Israel. This is a must hear! What she saw and experienced in Jerusalem will make your hair stand on end! The second hour, after 2 Achmed Awards, the Rabbi and Gadi did another Theory Why segment. This weeks question was what is keeping Iran from becoming a nuclear power.


December 26, 2013 episode. The last show of the year, OMG where did the year go? Tonight was a normal show, as far as normal goes around here. No end of the year re-caps or best of, just the weeks news and a new 'Theory Why'. Tonight the Rabbi and Gadi discussed the "driving" forces both weak and strong for Iran's nuclear aspirations. As usual a great show with a lot of interesting analogies.


December 19, 2013 episode. Wow! Great night! Even though we cut the show short due to illnesses, we had an amazing guest for a full hour! IQ al-Rassooli joined Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi and what an education we got in one hour. You have to listen to the podcast if you want to know the truth about Islam and the million dollar challenge!


December 12, 2013 episode. Another night of "technical difficulties". Gadi, Rabbi and Reese were all here, but Gadi was less so. With some major computer issues the Rabbi ended up doing the 'Theory Why' segment by himself.


December 5, 2013 episode. With the year almost over Gadi, Reese and the Rabbi introduced a new format. The second hour was the new "Theory Why", You have to listen to the podcast to understand, but we think you'll enjoy it as much as we did! This new format will set America Akbar apart from all other talk shows, you will learn, think, understand and most of all be engaged in the conversation! Looking forward to next week already!


November 21, 2013 episode. Crappy night for news. You'll understand that pun when you listen to the podcast. Iran, U.S. Israel, all the news that shouldn't be fit to print, so we put it on the air!


November 14, 2013 episode. Too much news to report! Gadi, Rabbi and Reese had a great show as usual, tonight a lot was covered from the UK to Syria, Israel and Tennessee. As Gadi said during the show, "you have to wonder when Obama finally leaves office will we be upset that there isn't as much news!"


November 7, 2013 episode. Aside from the 'Skype' difficulties tonight... It was the night for rants! Gadi was joined by Reese and the Rabbi and did he rant! Gadi spoke about Marvel Comics new 'Superhero' Kamala Khan, she is the 16-year-old Muslim daughter of Pakistani immigrants from Jersey City, New Jersey and will be taking over the previous Ms. Marvel character. The Rabbi ranted about Secretary of State John Kerry and his warning to Israel about a third 'Intifada' if they don't capitulate to the so-called Palestinians. Lastly, Reese introduced 3 new songs from Madison Rising's new album!


October 31, 2013 episode. Happy Halloween! Yes, we were on the air tonight and to our surprise had a larger turnout than usual! Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi scared each other with the news, special music and other Halloween stuff. If nothing else, this is a must listen to just for the special Halloween music, trivia and trip down memory lane!


October 24, 2013 episode. WOW! What a night! Between Gadi's rant and our last minute guest coming on Gadi barely got to the news. Usama Dakdok from Radio Jihad called in while on the road to talk about his invite at a school in MN being rescinded and Gadi ranted on the purging and punishment of our military people. This is truly a must listen to show!


October 17, 2013 episode. Tonight Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi were joined by former Navy SEAL Benjamin Smith! You've seen him all over the news lately, Benjamin was "vocal" to say the least at the Million Veterans March on the WWII Memorial in D.C. We had the news, commentary, music and Ben! You have to listen to Ben's thought's on America and Islam.


October 10, 2013 episode. Reese was back and unfortunately for her she had to put up with Gadi playing the Beatles 'rant' music. Reese and the Rabbi had to endure one of Gadi's longest rants, he named only some, some of the unnecessary things that have been closed due to the partial government shutdown. The list was only 47 items long... Then they had the news and the timing of Obama cutting aid to Egypt and how it coincided with Egypt outlawing the Muslim Brotherhood. Great show with lots of great info!


October 3, 2013 episode. Fabulous night! Except for the fact that Reese wasn't there that is... Gadi was joined by the Rabbi, the Ponytail Patriot and Andrew from the new show on Radio Jihad 'Inside the Muslim world' called in as well! Topics tonight were everything from the Westgate mall massacre, to the barricaded WWII Memorial. Once again a great show that went by way too fast that can't be missed!


September 26, 2013 episode. Considering it was 2 hours of just Gadi... The Rabbi was still away and Reese and Gadi pulled another show out of thin air, they had a surprise visit from both Matt from Liberty Bell Radio as well as Candi, the Ponytail Patriot! Great show that actually went by too fast!


September 19, 2013 episode. What a show! The Rabbi was off for the holiday 'Sukkot' and missed one heck of a show. The first hour Gadi did just some of the news, had a rant and then in hour two Reese and Gadi were joined by John Wohlstetter and the hour went by way too fast! Talking with John about Syria, Iran, Russia and the possible outcomes of this mess was absolutely fascinating! All in all a must listen to episode!


September 12, 2013 episode. Fabulous show! Reese, the Rabbi and Gadi discussed Syria, 9/11, ALL of the news (and there is a lot) and lastly, Gadi and the Rabbi finished a conversation (disagreement) that started on Monday's Radio Jihad program, about why Obama is so gung ho on bombing Syria. Great conversations and several callers as well!


August 29, 2013 episode. The worst night on Blogtalk ever! 12, yes 12 different times the host was bumped and Gadi couldn't even make it through his rant. It's not like there's anything important going on in the world, right? Blogtalk had major issues, but the team carried on. This is a must listen to show all about Syria and the Obama administration wanting to hit them with missiles even though everyone else is backing away!


August 22, 2013 episode. Live radio, what can we say? Reese had microphone issues and wasn't able to get on air, the Rabbi celebrated his Birthday during the show and Gadi was, well, Gadi. After the Gadi rant and the news we were joined by Chris Gaubatz, Chris Worked undercover for 8 months in the CAIR (Council of American Islamic Relations) headquarters for 8 months to expose CAIR as an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood, his story and what he revealed was the basis for the book "Muslim Mafia". Chris spoke about that as well as a new venture he is taking on, publishing. Great show with lots of fabulous insight!


August 15, 2013 episode. Could it be? Did Gadi actually have a rant that lasted all the way until the second hour? With all that is going on in Egypt and Obama's speech today, Gadi, Rabbi and Reese had a lot to cover! The second hour the "Jewhadi's" were joined by John Wohlstetter and he filled us in from a National Security stand point as only John can do, all about Egypt, Kerry and yes, the Obama Administration.


August 8, 2013 episode. A good portion of tonight's show was the Gadi rant! Gadi took CNN to task on their so-called reporting of Benghazi in their special report "The Truth About Benghazi". Not only was it far from the truth, it was more of the same left leaning liberal media bias with little facts, stories and hypocrisy. The news, the rants, some humor from the Rabbi and overall a great show!


August 1, 2013 episode. If nothing else, this show is a must hear for both Gadi's and the Rabbi's rants! Gadi spoke about the recent agreement by Israel to release 103 "terrorist" prisoners from Israeli jail in order just to sit down with the Palestinian Authority for a so-called peace process and the Rabbi spoke about the strikers at funeral homes in Chicago.


July 25, 2013 episode. A week after his new book release we had Erick Stakelbeck on! Fabulous night, with all the callers and what a fabulous guest! Erick went over his new book "The Brotherhood, America's Next Great Enemy" and answered a ton of questions from both Gadi and callers in a short amount of time! Once again, a MUST list to show!


July 18, 2013 episode. What a great night! A double header rant! Gadi did a rant on the 'Rolling Stone' magazine cover, while the Rabbi covered the current administration! Reese was here and even Vito from 'Radio Jihad' called in, a must listen to show, even if just for the rants!


July 11, 2013 episode. Tribute show to George from the American View. We lost a patriot and hero this past week and after the commentary and news we played a small tribute to our friend George. Great and sad all at once.


June 27, 2013 episode. Each week it seems we have less and less time to cover what's going on in the world around us. Reese, Rabbi and Gadi were joined by John Wohlstetter in the second hour. The Rabbi asked John some questions about a CSPAN lecture he gave back in '08 and they discussed how many of the things John had predicted actually came to pass. The first hour had an unusual Gadi rant and not enough time for all the news. Once again it went by too fast!


June 20,2013 episode. Too much to cover in 2 hours! Reese, Rabbi and Gadi attempted to cover the news but there was so much that went on this past week they didn't even manage to get to it all. The Rabbi gave a very interesting scenario on the Edward Snowden, NSA whistle-blower situation and both Rabbi and Gadi had there own rants! A must hear and lot's to learn!


June 13, 2013 episode. Another week and another show with too much to cover in 2 hours. Reese, Rabbi and Gadi did the news, Gadi ranted about Bill Cosby and the Santa Monica shooting spree and then they opened up the phone lines for people to call in and tell us "was Edward Snowden a traitor or a hero?" Lot's of calls and as usual, a great show!


June 6, 2013 episode. Way too much to cover in one show! Gadi, Reese and the Rabbi were all here with a couple of callers including Candi, the Ponytail Patriot. Gadi and the Rabbi did a rant on Major Nidal Hassan and even Candi joined in! The news, the rants and all the normal, abnormal 'America Akbar' conversation made for a great show!


May 30, 2013 episode. Talk about a fun and laid back night! Gadi, Reese and the Rabbi were joined early on by the Ponytail Patriot, Candi and it was laughing and fun from then on! We did the news and covered current events too.


May 23, 2013 episode. The beheading of a soldier in the streets of London, Obama's speech about drone's and Gitmo a lot of callers and what a night! The Rabbi and Gadi went on a rant while reading the speech that Obama gave today, James from Philadelphia called in a tried to convince Gadi that the CIA and Bush were behind 9/11. Overall it was a great show!


May 16, 2013 episode. Great show! Reese and Gadi lined up a last minute guest, Shane Krauser, Director of American Academy for Constitutional Education, Shane just had an article about his experience with the IRS and his organization. Gadi played his interview with the President, yes, that's right, Gadi interviewed President Obama. The news, the interviews, the guest and callers, what a show!


May 9, 2013 episode. Fabulous show and the time went by too fast! Gadi, Reese and the Rabbi were joined by John Wohlstetter, John is an author and expert in nuclear proliferation, national security, terrorism and foreign policy as well as a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute. We covered the news and of course, the Benghazi testimony, had several callers including Wild Bill.


May 2, 2013 episode. Finally! A show without audio issues! Great show tonight, Reese the Rabbi and Gadi covered the news and still had time to rant about Benghazi and the handling of the 3 newly arrested students in the Boston terror case. We had a couple of callers and Wild Bill called and chimed in for a bit as well!


April 25, 2013 episode. Fabulous show! Unlike last week we thankfully didn't have as many technical issues and the show went on with out too many problems. Rabbi Aryel Nachman joined Gadi and Reese and even got his own music intro! The discussion tonight was the obvious, Boston terrorists and Miranda rights. Gadi did the news with his and the Rabbi's commentary and the audio interview of Gadi from WILS in Lansing, MI from last night was played as well.

April 18, 2013 episode. Can you say "technical difficulties"? Of all nights to have audio issues on Blogtalk! The week of the terror bomb in Boston and a special guest who bumped being on Sean Hannity to be on Gadi's show! We had terror expert Dr. Walid Phares on live even though we were having major issues. Listen all the way through the podcast because Dr, Phares broke some news about the Boston bombing on 'America Akbar' before anywhere else!


April 11, 2013 episode. Show started a minute or two late thanks to Gadi's computer and Blogtalk, but we got going! Rabbi Aryel Nachman joined in again this evening, there was a new Achmed Award Nominee and after the news (which had a lot of commentary to say the least) Gadi had a rant and what a rant it was! It seems the US military is fighting a new war, this one is against Christianity and Judaism and Gadi and the Rabbi had a few things to say about it!

April 4, 2013 episode. News, news and more news. Gadi and Rabbi Nachman went over the weeks news from the Easter Sunday Church shooting in the name of 'Allah' to the vehicular Jihad in CA where a car plowed in to a Wal-Mart. All the news from the Middle East with all the commentary and we gave away the last two signed Steve Penley coffee table books, congrats Ann and Susan.

March 28, 2013 episode. An unplanned night with 'America Akbar', Gadi really had not prepped for tonight's show but pulled it off nonetheless. Gadi spoke about a recent article that described a possible terror attack on our schools here in the U.S. and how this is something that he brought up years ago both in his articles and on his show. Rabbi Nachman was on as well this week and we had a 'Rabbi rant' about the Passover Sedar at the White House this past week. All in all a great show with lots of info!

March 21, 2013 episode. What a night! To say this was Gadi's biggest rant ever would truly be an understatement! Gadi reviewed the news, other than Obama in Israel, then he went on a rant breaking down the not so obvious things that Obama has said over the past two days while in Israel. Gadi points out something that will be in the news in the future, listen up, you'll hear it here first!

March 14, 2013 episode. Is it possible... Another great show without any prep! Gadi discussed all the events of the week with Rabbi Nachman, caller Iggymom won the Steve Penley autographed book and of course we had our callers. Tonight we had several 'Gadi rants' from Dick Morris to John Brennan, Syria, Egypt and more!

March 7, 2013 episode. What can we say other than another great night! Gadi went over the current events and news, with his usual but factual rants, Candi, the Ponytail Patriot called in and Rabbi Aryel Nachman won the signed Steve Penley coffee table book by being the first caller with the right answer on tonight's trivia question. The confirmation of John Brennan as CIA Director and rise of Antisemitism in Europe and the U.S. were the main topics for the evening.

February 28, 2013 episode. Fabulous night! Gadi talked and went on one hell of a rant about the students in Texas that were dressed up in Burqa's and Islamic garb by their teacher, the reasons and ramifications, etc. We talked about Hagel, Brennan and the Obama (Liberal) agenda. We had quite a few callers and gave away another autographed Steve Penley "Ronald Reagan" coffee table book. Gadi "outted" his belief about why and where America is headed.

February 21, 2013 episode. The show must go on! Even with some major Blogtalk issues tonight, the show went on. Gadi talked about all the news, ranted about Emad Burnat and his film "5 Broken Cameras" as well as British MP George Galloway. The second hour we had Steve from Counter Jihad Coalition in CA and he and Gadi spoke about Steve Emerson's new documentary Jihad in America: The Grand Deception. Aside from the sound issues, a great show!



February 14, 2013 episode. What a show! Even though Gadi is still under the weather he and Reese pulled off another great show. After the news Gadi spoke about the John Brennan nomination yet again. The second hour we had Vin from United Patriots Worldwide! Vin is launching a new network this weekend just for kids! You have got to hear this interview, there is far too much information to even begin to explain here.

February 7, 2013 episode. Welcome back Gadi! Gadi was back in his studio and obviously in his element tonight as he was back to his normal "rants". Gadi spoke about the sparring that went back and forth between John McCain and Gen. Dempsey and THEN, after that, he got angry and went on another rant about the next CIA Director, John Brennan. We had several callers and a great time!

January 24, 2013 episode. With Benghazi, Hillary and Israel's election nothing could keep Gadi away tonight. Broadcasting from an iPad in his parents garage in Arizona it was a great show! Many callers and a badly needed discussion on the Benghazi hearings along with an explanation of Israel's election outcome. Not bad for a remote show!

January 17, 2013 episode. Due to Gadi's mom being ill, Gadi was off this evening. Rabbi Aryel Nachman Guest hosted the show and with the help of Candi the "Ponytail Patriot" the show went on! The Rabbi went over each of the 23 "actions" that Obama signed on the gun laws. With Candi's help all was explained! If you have questions about the 2nd Amendment and the laws this show is for you!

January 10, 2013 episode. Fun night to say the least! Started out with some technical difficulties but did the news and then the continuation of Islam and Sharia 101. Ended before we could finish with the comparison of the U.S. Constitution and Sharia (Islamic) Law. Continue your studies and listen to this podcast!

January 3, 2013 episode. Happy New Year! Started of with some technical issues, but we got right in to it! The first half hour was an explanation of our new format and the news. The last hour and a half was all education! If you are a beginner or new to learning about Islam this is a must listen to show!

December 27, 2012 episode. The last show of the year! Gadi did the year in review and the long awaited... Drum roll please... Achmed Award winner, yes your votes picked the Achmed Award for the year after revisiting each and everyone! The second hour Rabbi Nachman, Wild Bill and Gadi discussed an article written by another Rabbi about the Sandy Hook massacre and whether it was Gods "fault" or "doing". A great show for the end of the year and we hope you will join us starting next week for 2013!

December 20, 2012 episode. The end of the world as we know it! Tonight, the night before the "World ends" Gadi talked about and went on a rant about Newtown, CT. Security, lack thereof, being proactive rather than reactive and much more. After an hour long rant Gadi had Steve from CA on with a MPAC (Muslim Public Affairs Council) update. The discussion on both Newton and CA are a must hear!

December 13, 2012 episode. Tonight's show went by faster than usual. Gadi spent the first hour on UN Ambassador Susan Rice, The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) fighting Michigan's new House Bill 4769, the new Army manual that instructs US troops not to criticize the Taliban or Islam and another terror attack in Israel. The second hour we had a guest, Joan, who's story you have to hear to believe. Joan lives in Canada is not Jewish but has endured threats, attacks and being jailed for speaking out against Anti-Semitism and being pro Israel.

December 6, 2012 episode. We were honored tonight to have Laurie Cardoza-Moore as our guest! Laurie is the founder of Proclaiming Justice To the Nations (PJTN), there mission "is to educate Christians about their biblical responsibility to stand with their Jewish brethren and Israel against the new Anti-Semitism." Although she was scheduled to be on from 9-10, she came in early along with Rabbi Nachman and Wild Bill as well as other callers. For all those who ask "What can I do?" this was the show to help you with an answer, it was an educational two hours!

November 29, 2012 episode. Palestine voted in by the UN as a "non-member State"! What could possibly be wrong there? Two hours of one huge Gadi rant with audio from Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice and the speech that Abbas (PLO) gave to the UN today read by Gadi. Of course there were the "Gadi Rants" throughout the entire reading, which makes all more worth the while!

November 22, 2012 Thanksgiving episode. Others may take off for the Holiday, but not Gadi! 2 hours on Gaza, Hamas and Israel. The show started late due to Blogtalk issues, but fast-forward to 4 minutes in and the show starts. Tonight we had Rabbi Nachman as well as several callers, the conversation was about Gaza, Israel, the media and of course the news. Want to be educated and know what to say to people about Gaza, then you must listen to this show!

November 15, 2012 episode. Israel under attack! The first 45 minutes of this show was a brief history of how Gaza and the West Bank came about, the truth from the early 1500's to current day of "Palestine". The rest of the show was audio clips of Israel under attack from rockets in Gaza and discussions on what Israel should and could do. These two clips must be heard, one was recorded live from a 17 year old Israeli girl as she his under a table and couch cushions during an air raid. As Gadi said at the beginning of the show, "This is one of the most, if not the most important shows I have ever done on America Akbar!"

November 8, 2012 episode. A packed house for the post election episode! This evening was all about why we can't give up! Obama won and we must continue to fight for our values! Gadi was joined by Wild Bill for America, Candi the Ponytail Patriot, George from American View and Rabbi Aryel Nachman from Seven Beggars. We had other callers as well and for all those who are ready to throw in the towel, listen to this podcast!

November 1, episode. What a night! The first hour was all Benghazi, again. Gadi laid out the timeline and ended the hour with a possible scenario as to why Obama and his administration would sit and watch 4 people, Americans, including an ambassador die. The second hour we had back again John Wohlstetter, Senior Fellow at the Discover Institute. John was supposed to be on to talk about his new book, "Sleepwalking with the bomb", but we had a second caller, The CEO and Founder of, Brad Greenspan. Brad did a timeline of the "video" excuse on the Benghazi terror attack using facts and figures from YouTube and other internet sources. Given Brad's background with the internet he is extremely passionate in his view of the media and the government and we had one heck of a debate with the two guests.

October 25, 2012 episode. The first hour was the "Benghazi Blame Game". Gadi, Reese, Wild Bill and Candi spoke about the truth that has now come out regarding the attack in Benghazi, Libya. Gadi did a timeline from prior to the attack to date using news articles and audios. The second hour we had Daria DiGiovanni, the Director of Social Media Strategies from the Peoples website.  As explained on their website, America’s form of representative government can finally work in a more efficient, interactive way, the way our Founders intended. creates nonpartisan, unbiased ”Advisory Propositions,” at the federal, state and local level in which citizens can learn about and cast secure votes “online” on the most popular public policies, before they become law. Great show and as usual the 2 hours went by way too fast!

October 18, 2012 episode. What a fantastic 2 hours! The first hour went by way to fast with callers and questions from the chat room as Gadi discussed the attempted bombing of the Federal reserve yesterday in NY and the Molotov Cocktail incident today in VA. The second was our guest Lt. Colonel Bill Connor. The Lt. Colonel spoke to us about his book "Articles from war" as well his experiences while in the Middle East. His time as the Joint Operations Officer for the Southern Region of Afghanistan and when he was promoted to take command of the US advisory effort in the volatile province of Helmand is amazing. But more than that was he view of Islam before he went and after he lived it. Anyone who doubts the truth about Islam needs to hear this show!

October 11, 2012 episode. Tonight's episode was short and sweet! Due to the V.P. Debate at 9 pm we cut the show short. But we still had our guest! Harmon Kaslow, the executive producer of Atlas Shrugged Part 1 and part 2 was our guest and tomorrow the movie Atlas Shrugged Part 2 opens Nationwide! It was a great back and forth conversation with Harmon and then we talked about some news and wrapped it all up with Candi from the Peach State Politics Radio show!

October 4, 2012 episode. Debate recap night! Gadi, Reese, and Wild Bill started off with the news, yes there was news beyond the debate and then the rest of the show... Let's just say we recapped the debate. We had several callers one of whom was Candi, the Ponytail Patriot from Peach State Politics on Blogtalk Radio. 2 Hours went by too fast!

September 27, 2012 episode. What a fabulous show! After the first hour of Gadi and Wild Bill ranting about the "world" events, we had the artist Steve Penley on as our guest! You have seen Steve's work all over, including the wonderful Presidential portraits on Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and with Frank Lutz. He is as amazing a speaker as much as he is an outstanding artist!  This truly is one of the must listen to shows!

September 20, 2012 episode. And Libya, along with the rest of the Middle East continues. The first hour was spent on what really happened in Libya and why. The second hour we had author/journalist Chuck Holton for a return visit. We spoke about the Middle East and our southern borders. Lastly we had an exclusive audio with another Achmed Award!

September 13, 2012 episode. With everything going on in the Middle East, our Embassies being attacked and the Obama administration doing their regular apologies, we had a full night! The first hour was all about just that and the second hour we were honored to have a true American hero, former SEAL Carl Higbie. Carl is the author of the book Battle on the Home Front, a Navy SEALS mission to save the American dream. This is the book that is so controversial that the Navy made Carl quit after 9 honorable years. This truly is a must listen to show!

September 6, 2012 episode. The DNC! Most of the show was about the DNC, the lies, mistakes, debacles and overall crap that has been spewed this week. Our guest during the second hour was conservative talk show host Audrey Russo! Reese, Gadi, callers and great sound clips, it all went by way too fast!

August 30, 2012 episode. Fabulous show! Tonight Gadi and Reese were joined by Wild Bill for America and Rabbi Aryel Nachman. We talked about the heinous hate crime at Michigan State University where Zachary Tennen was beaten after being asked if he was Jewish and 20+ people stood by and watched. We also discussed the new reports from the IAEA on Iran and the change of the mindset with many Israelis. We spoke about the upcoming DNC convention and the 2 hour "jummah" prayer they will be holding. We had several callers and the show was non-stop!

August 23 episode. Tonight Reese and Gadi were joined by both Wild Bill for America and Rabbi Aryel Nachman. Tonight's show was about Israel and what has yet to come. The Rabbi and Gadi discussed the article they wrote together earlier this week "Prophecy and Commonsense", concentrating on what the future holds for the Middle East, Israel and why. Different perspectives that agree on the outcome.

August 16 episode. It seems that each week the shows just gets better and better! Gadi and Reese were joined once again by John Wohlstetter of the Discovery Institute. John is the author of "The Long War Ahead and The Short War Upon Us" and just released his latest book, "Sleepwalking with the bomb". We had some great callers and as usual when John is on, we went over on our time.

August 9 episode. This is the show for people to hear if they want to know the truth about Islam. Gadi, Reese and Michelle were joined by James E. Horn, the author of "Experiencing Islam". James was a Foreign Service Officer who served in Muslim countries, worked as a Security Professional, and wore other hats during his 25-years of service abroad. One of his positions was being in charge of 'bomb proofing' the American Embassies and Consulates throughout the Persian Gulf. His experiences and stories of what happened while serving in these countries is a must hear!

August 2, 2012 episode. Two hours of Gadi yet again! Tonight we were joined by Reese, Wild Bill for America and our newest member, Michelle. Michelle is a Conservative and a Patriot that wanted to learn more about Islam and it's threat to the West. Hopefully she will be a weekly addition. We were also joined by a surprise phone call from Richard Mgrdechian, the Manager of 'Madison Rising', he called to fill us in on what Madison Rising has been doing, what upcoming events they will be playing as well as the Star Spangled Banner challenge. We covered the news, Iran, Syria, Israel and even discussed Sharia compliant finance.

July 26, 2012 episode. Curious why Nidal Hasan is not a terrorist, but James Holmes of Colorado is? Wondering what's going on in Syria, how it will affect us and how Russia factors in to this? How is it that JUST NOW, the U.S. Senate is thinking that Iran with nuclear weapons might be a threat? This is the must listen to show! Gadi was joined by Wild Bill for America as well as Rabbi Aryel Nachman. Two hours of Gadi and his rants!

July 19, 2012 episode. 100 Episodes! Yes, 'America Akbar' celebrated it's one hundredth show tonight and what a celebration it was. Wild Bill for America, Reese, and Gadi talked about Syria, the politically correct FBI, the Murfreesboro, TN mosque and the bus bombing of Israeli's in Bulgaria. Our special guests tonight, especially for 100 hundred episodes, was the band Madison Rising! We had the band Manager Richard Mgrdechian, the lead vocalist Dave Bray and guitarist Alex Bodnar for what can only be called a "very candid conversation"! A great show with even better music!

July 12, 2012 episode. Who is John Galt! Once again we were joined by the Executive Producer of 'Atlas Shrugged', Harmon Kaslow. Harmon took the time out from production of 'Atlas Shrugged Part 2' to join us and was our guest in the second hour! A candid conversation with one of the main people behind the 'Atlas Shrugged' movie series. His latest movie will open in theaters on Friday October, 12 just before the Presidential election! What a great conversation and a great show!

July 5, 2012 episode. Amazing! the only word that can describe this show. The first hour we were joined by Ruben Israel of the "American Muslims stone Christians in Dearborn" video that went viral with over a million views in less than a week. Ruben was straight forward in answering all questions surrounding the incident in Dearborn. The second hour we had a return guest, Major Montgomery Granger, the author of "Saving Grace At Guantanamo Bay" with his story of being in Camp X-Ray months after 9/11 having to take care of the health of the 'detainees' or prisoners. This show is one of the best of 'America Akbar' and cannot be missed!



June 28, 2012 episode. An amazing day in history... The Supreme Court ruling on Obamacare, AG of the US, Eric Holder held in Contempt of Congress and we had Wild Bill for America back too! Our guest during the second half was Dr. Rich Swier, Ed. D., LTC, US Army (Ret.) Vice President of The United and host of the Dr. Rich Swier Show on WWPR 1490am out of Tampa, FL. We talked about all the days events and the big discussion was the video of the Christians being stoned in Dearborn, MI.

June 21, 2012 episode. The "Debate" night! In the first hour Rabbi Aryel Nachman of and Gadi debated whether it would be better for Israel to cut off all economic aid from the US or not. Rabbi Nachman agrees with Rabbi Meir Kahne that Israel should cut off the US and thereby allow Israel to do as it pleases, Gadi believes that Israel needs the 3 billion a year aid to help fund the military. It was a great debate! The second hour we had John Wohlstetter, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute on for a return visit and discussed America's roll in Syria. Great show that went by way too fast!

June 14, 2012 episode. WOW! Did I mention... WOW! Tonight's guest was beyond awesome! US Army (retired) , Major Montgomery J. Granger, the author of "Saving Grace at Guantanamo Bay", or "Gitmo: The Real Story, was our guest in the second hour. Arriving at Guantanamo Bay just 5 months after 9/11 and then later serving in the same capacity at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq with the medical team to treat the "detainees" was an amazing, must hear story. In his book he explains how he found himself the ranking Army Medical Department officer with the Joint Detainee Operations Group (JDOG) on a joint mission like no other before it; taking care of terrorists and murderers. Truly a MUST hear show!

June 7, 2012 episode. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Two years on year! Tonight we took a trip down memory lane looking and listening to the last two years of 'America Akbar'. The second hour we were joined by a phenomenal young man. Kory Shore, who is only 15 years old and already has only an amazing view of the US and the world, but has been playing music since he was 3. We played three of his songs that must be heard to be believed! Don't miss this podcast, the show with our guest and his dad went on for an extra half!

May 31, 2012 episode. Reese and Gadi were joined once again by Col. James Harding! Fabulous guest with insight and well informed! We spoke about Obama and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and then we had a caller who questioned "our fear of Islam". The conversation was enlightening and entertaining to say the least!

May 24, 2012 episode. Talk about a must listen to show! Reese and Gadi were joined by Pastor Broden, he is the Senior Pastor of the Fair Park Bible Fellowship and you may have seen him recently on the Glenn Beck Show. We spoke about his upcoming "I Care About The Constitution Summit" in Dallas Texas as well as International 'treaties', the founding Principles and the Judeo-Christian heritage we are have, but are losing. A fabulous and informative guest!

May 17, 2012 episode. Another 2 hours of Gadi. Last week at B'nai Torah Synagogue in Boca Raton, FL, Amb. Susan Rice gave a speech in which people were turned away and asked to leave before the event, if it was thought that their views were different than that of Obama.  (This included the elderly and even some Holocaust survivors). Gadi read parts of her speech and then read the TRUTH about the Obama history with Israel. The show went for 2 1/2 hours. Reese and Gadi also added another nominee to the Achmed Awards.

May 10, 2012 episode. What a great show! Gadi went off on an early tirade about "getting involved" and didn't leave much time for the news. Later Gadi and Reese were joined by Steve from the Counter Jihad Coalition and Saba Achmed called in. It was a good back and forth with Steve, Gadi and Saba about the Muslim Brotherhood, the MSA and Islam. Listen to the whole podcast because the end is Gadi discussing Saba and the reason we welcome everyone to the show.

May 3, 2012 episode. Another night of just 2 hours of Gadi. The fans asked for it, so you got it! We had two callers as we discussed the Arab Spring and the weekly news, Rabbi Aryel Nachman from and Adrian from Global Security Matters. Listen in for what is going on in the world and, yes, we even discuss why.

April 26, 2012 episode. Today is Israel's Independence Day (on the Hebrew calender) and the whole show was dedicated to just that. After the news, which must be heard for the story out of Egypt, the show was a history lesson on the birth of the State of Israel. A laid back and fun show with Reese and Gadi overall!

April 19, 2012 episode. Yom Hashoah. Two hours of Gadi, 3 Achmed Award nominations in one week, the news and the second hour was all dedicated to Yom Hashoah (Remembrance Day). Rabbi Aryel Nachman Ben Chaim was kind enough to call in and give us his insight to the Holocaust. If you want to understand why we say "We shall never forget" you must hear this show.

April 12, 2012 episode. Agenda 21 anyone? Tonight's guest was a return visit from Col. Harding. He spoke about two organizations he is involved with, Veteran Defenders and The U.S. Patriots Union. But the big topic was 'Agenda 21', what is it and what is it out to accomplish? If you wanted to know about Agenda 21, this is the show! Plus we had the news and commentary as usual!

April 5, 2012 episode. This was a must listen to show! No if's, and's or but's! Reese returned after a two week vacation, but... Our guest from 8:30 until just after 10 was Amil Imani and to say it was great would be an understatement! Amil was born and raised in Iran and left there in 1978 just before the fall of the Shah. What and education we all got this evening. Listen and learn about the real Iran and it's people and listen to the end, the last 5 minutes is what we here in America MUST do to defeat Islam!

March 29, 2012 episode. What a fabulous and educational show! Gadi was joined by guest co-host Jan Morgan again this week and our guest was "Steve" from the Counter Jihad Coalition in CA. This is really a must listen! We covered the news, cut that short and went right into our guest speaking about the push for Sharia in California. He explained what the Muslim Brotherhood front organizations are doing here in America. How they are stepping up their programs across the U.S. sugar coating Shariah, and he exposed the elected officials and Law Enforcement that are supporting these seditious programs.

March 22, 2012 episode. Tonight for the first time the show was Reese-less. With Reese away on holiday we had Jan Morgan and Vito as guest co-hosts. Our this evening was Dr. Martin Sherman who was kind enough to call in all the way from Israel. We discussed Iran, the so called "Arab Spring", Syria, Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood and yes, Obama and America. Having the view point from an Israeli and with his background was truly a learning experience!

March 15, 2012 episode. Afghanistan, U.S. soldier killing civilians, more apologies, Iran, Israel all the things we discussed tonight both before and with our guest. John Wohlstetter, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute was our returning guest in the second hour. As I like to call him; a walking encyclopedia when it comes to his knowledge of both history and current events. Once again another fabulous and educational show!

March 8, 2012 episode. 2 hours of just Gadi! Tonight Gadi spent the entire two hours discussing both President Obama and Benjamin Netanyahu's speeches at AIPAC (The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) this week. We played clips from both and examined each, everyone needs to hear how these two leaders spoke and the difference between them! At the end of the show we had several last minute callers as well.

March 1, 2012 episode. Awesome and the time flew by too fast! We started off with a tribute to Andrew Breitbart as well as a friend of Gadi's. Then, Gadi, Reese and Wild Bill took an call from a past caller, Saba Achmed came back after 3 months of not hearing from her. Then our guest Col. James Harding was on for the second hour of the show. All in all another great show!

February 23, 2012 episode. They just keep getting better and better! Tonight Gadi and Reese spoke about the Quran burning in Afghanistan and the riots and apologies that followed. Then it was onto the Judge in Pennsylvania who used Sharia law on a fellow Muslim, yes, that's right, a fellow Muslim. Our guest in the second hour was Steve from the "Counter Jihad Coalition" a grass roots group that he started in California of all places. Gadi lost it this time and screamed more than ever before, this is a must listen to show!

February 16,2012 episode. Another great show! What else can I say? Reese and Gadi introduced a new segment to 'America Akbar'... The first annual Achmed awards! In honor of 28-year-old Saeid Moradi, who managed to blow off his own legs with his bad aim and a grenade that 'boomeranged' back to his feet, we felt that we needed these awards. John Wohlstetter, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute was a returning guest in the second hour. John is a walking encyclopedia when it comes to WMD's as well as history and must be heard if you want to learn anything about nuclear weapons and Iran.

February 9, 2012 episode. What a night! Wow! Tonight we had an amazing guest, Caspian Makan a Political and Pro-Democracy Activist, Founder of the Campaign for Change, and "Completion of Global Human Rights Laws "End The Killing of Humans by Humans as well as, Writer & Film-Maker. He is also known for being the fiance' of Neda Agha-Soltan who was killed in Iran, right before her 27th birthday, On June 20th 2009 she joined an opposition rally during which she was shot in the heart and killed by the Islamic Regime. You may remember her as the video of her murder went viral. Caspian spoke through a translator and his story of being jailed and then escaping Iran and what he thinks the future holds is a must listen!

February 2, 2012 episode. Fabulous night! From the news to Wild Bill and Reese we had as our guest tonight Tennessee State Representative Rick Womick from the 34th district. He became nationally known after he stated that "Muslims should not be allowed to serve in the U.S. Military".  He was also involved on the law banning Sharia in TN as well as the new TN state law against terrorism. His insight and knowledge on Islam and Sharia is amazing and he was a wonderful guest!

January 26, 2012 episode. 2 Hours of Gadi ranting! For all those that continue to say they want more "Gadi", this was the show. Gadi discussed Egypt, Israel, Iran and the oil embargo, U.S. Politics and our tax dollars, National security and then took a call from "David" an eighteen year old 'devout Muslim' who tried to tell Gadi that he is misrepresenting Muslims, that was an enlightening experience!

January 19, 2012 episode. Tonights guest was Clare Lopez, her bio is far too long to post here, but she is a strategic policy and intelligence expert with a focus on national defense, Islam, Iran, and counterterrorism issues. Currently a senior fellow at the Center for Security Policy and the Clarion Fund and vice president of the Intelligence Summit, she formerly was a career operations officer with the Central Intelligence Agency, a professor at the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, Executive Director of the Iran Policy Committee from 2005-2006, and has served as a consultant, intelligence analyst, and researcher for a variety of defense firms. She was named a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute in 2011. We spoke about Iran and their involvement of 9/11, the Muslim Brotherhood and had an Imam from NJ call in and "discuss" it with us as well. The info on Iran and 9/11 is a must listen to!

January 12, 2012 episode. A show with a lot of history! Tonight we had a return visit from John Wohlstetter, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute .  With all that is going on in Iran and Syria, John spoke about what the future may hold and used a lot of past history to explain it. We discussed everything from China to Russia, Pakistan and North Korea, and yes, Israel and the U.S. A great lesson both in history and what the future may hold.

January 5, 2012 episode. First show of the new year and our new show format! Melanie Dianiska joined us once again for the first hour. And Bonni from Bare Naked Islam was on for the second hour! Melanie is the mother of Pfc. Corey Clagett. Corey is currently sitting in Leavenworth prison in solitary confinement, he is there because he followed orders. He has been in prison since 2006 and his story must be heard to be believed. Bonni is the owner and writer of the website Bare Naked Islam, the site will be removed because of complaints by C.A.I.R., listen in to learn more!

December 29, 2011 episode. Last show of the year! And what a year it was, we did a "year in review", Gadi, Reese and Wild Bill for America talked about the past year and where we are headed. Rabbi Nachman called in towards the end and it was a laid back, fun show. Thanks for everyone and all you're support! See you next year!

December 22, 2011 episode. Awesome! Reese, Wild Bill and Gadi were joined by Andrew Klavan! Andrew Klavan, Screen writer, author, blogger and yes, host of Klavan on the culture on PJTV was our guest for the first 45 minutes. We spoke about the past year and the upcoming 2012 elections. After Andrew Klavan we spent the rest of the show discussing Biden and his comments about the Taliban and we played Secretary Stockton's comments from this past week during Rep. Kings hearings on Radical Islam. Overall, as usual... A great must listen to show!

December 15,2011 episode. Great show considering the host was sick. Even under the weather, we had a fabulous conversation with Saba Achmed who called in again as promised. Reese, Wild Bill and Gadi spoke with Saba and numerous callers. You need to listen to the show to hear what Saba had to say about her own life under Islam as well as women's rights. This show is definitely in the best of!

December 8, 2011 episode. Fantastic doesn't even begin to cover it! Reese, Wild Bill and I were joined once again by John Wohlstetter from the Discovery Institute, but this time he was on live. The second half Pastor Scott Stewart joined us and spoke about the happenings in Europe and the UK. We also had a caller, Saba Achmed, a female Muslim from Oregan who ran for office and debated both Bill and Pastor Scott and myself on Islam. Trade Martin stopped by at the end and it was a fabulous and very informative show!

December 1, 2011 episode. What a fabulous show and guests! We were joined by Wild Bill for America, Trade Martin as well as Chris Carter from the Victory institute. We had callers all night including some who called in from as far as Israel! The second half of the show we were joined by John Wohlstetter, a Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute. This man was a wealth of knowledge, we discussed nuclear weapons, Iran and the various scenarios. We will definitely have John back on again in the future!

November 24, 2011 episode. Thanksgiving show. Originally we were going to just play "The best of" podcast, but after the first hour of the podcast from the "after show show" of September 15, 2011 there were so many people in the chat room we decided to do the last hour live! Adrian Morgan, the host of Global security Matters called in and Reese, he and I wrapped up the last hour!

November 17, 2011 episode. Fabulous night! The first hour we had Harmon Kaslow the producer of the movie Atlas Shrugged. We spoke about Ayn Rand to the occupiers of Wall Street. How the movie was made and how it is so important today! Harmon even gave away a copy of the DVD to a listener! The second hour we were joined by Wild Bill for America and Conservative artists Colleen Gray and Lisa Mei Norton. All around a great show full of Capitalism and Conservatism!

November 10, 2011 episode. Two hours and two great guests! The first hour Reese, Rivka and I were joined by Joanne Caras, author of the Holocaust Survivors Cookbook. 100% of this wonderful books profits goes to the Carmei Ha'ir soup kitchen in Jerusalem. It's more than a cookbook, it's history, it's the stories of the survivors that provided the recipes as well. The second half of the show we were joined by Patty Kupfer from the Learn and Live Organization in Israel. This organization helps Israeli youth and specifically Israeli girls who end up in Arab Villages often against their will. This is truly a must listen to show and please visit both websites!

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November 3, 2011 episode. The night started out a little bumpy as our first guest was running late. As usual Reese and I covered the first hour with news, commentary and callers and the second hour we were joined by Lynne Torgerson who is running for Congress against Rep. Keith Ellison in the 5th Congressional District in Minneapolis. We were also joined by Diane, the host of "Freedom Wings" on Blogtalk radio. After pressing play the podcast will start in 30 seconds after the advertisement.

October 27, 2011 episode. Wow! Can I say wow again? Full house and tonight with two rabbi's! Reese, Rivka, Wild Bill and I were joined by Adam who has launched a campaign against Domenica Chow. Read about it on the link.  We covered the weeks news and had Rivka's father, a rabbi, as well as rabbi Areyl Nachman Ben Chaim call in as well.

October 20, 2011 episode. Another amazing show! Tonight, what started with just the news of the day, our guests, Rivka, Vin, Wild Bill, Matt, the callers, Reese and I ended up talking about the "occupy Wall street" situation and the election of 2012. Qaddafi was the main focus for the first hour and then it got quite heated from there. A great show with different ways of expressing the same opinion!

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October 13, 2011 episode. What a fabulous night! Chuck Holton, field reporter and author of 9 books was our guest tonight. His latest book "Making Men" was the main focus for the first hour.  Reese and I were also joined by Rebecca again this week and we discussed with Chuck and several callers the Gilad Shalit prisoner swap with Hamas. Great people and a great show!

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October 6, 2011 episode. This was the most un-politically correct show ever! Our guests tonight were Vinnie Forras, 9/11 survivor and founder of the Gear up Foundation. He is also involved in the law suit against the Ground Zero Mosque and the Unmasque the Mosque website. We also had Rebecca Yuri for the whole 2 hours and she wins the prize for being the most honest! Wild Bill for America and Rabbi Aryel Nachman also joined us. The show went over by almost an hour so be sure to listen to the entire podcast!

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September 29, 2011 episode. Tonight we talked again about the Palestinian Issue since the UN Security Council unanimously passed the application of Statehood on to a subcommittee.  We were joined by both Wild Bill for America and Matt from Liberty Bell radio. Great night and lots of info and yes we had fun with "God bless you"!

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September 22, 2011 episode. Great guest tonight! Michelle Cohen, author of called in from Israel to discuss the possible upcoming vote in the UN on Palestinian Statehood. Michelle stayed for the whole 2 hours and we had some great callers and questions. Having Michelle's perspective from the Israeli point of view was just awesome. A must listen to show!

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September 15, 2011 episode. Whoa... What a show! First, Reese, Wild Bill and Gadi were joined by US Congressional candidate Joe Kaufman from District 20 in Florida, he is running for the seat currently held by DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman-Shultz. Vetting Joe was both informative and enjoyable and everyone should visit his website by clicking on his name. As Joe was signing off Chris Carter from the Victory Institute came on as our second guest. Chris stayed on way past the close of the show as we had a caller in the last few minutes, Jaimie Hazan. We stayed on past the 10PM hour and recorded the rest of the questions and answers with several callers that had been holding, and the whole show went for almost 3 hours! Listen to the whole show with the last caller, it goes by quick!

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September 8, 2011 special 9/11 episode. A sad but extremely important show. This America Akbar was dedicated to all those affected by 9/11 with news clips and music, all for 9/11. This is truly a must listen show!

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September 1, 2011 episode. Another great night on "America Akbar"! Wild Bill, Reese and Matt as well as callers from Rabbi Nachman, Morty and Patricia. We spoke about 9/11, the recent disturbance in NY at the amusement park over Hijabs (head scarves), Kosher vs. Halal and Capt. Fields in Oklahoma. All in all a great show!

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August 25, 2011 episode. Wow! Gadi's first night back from his NY trip to Ground Zero and what a great show! Reese and Wild Bill were there and we had callers that ranged from a Hassidic (ultra orthodox) Rabbi to a retired NY Firefighter! Everyone called in to talk about their personal feeling about the upcoming 10th anniversary of 9/11.

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August 18, 2011 episode. What a great night! Wild Bill for America and Reese and then... George a retired Fire Fighter from NY and 9/11 rescuer called in! We covered everything from the attacks in Israel today, to 9/11. Great show all around!

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August 11, 2011 episode. Another informative and fun night with Reese, Virginia and Wild Bill! President Obama's recent Ramadan dinner speech at the White House was a big topic of conversation as well as the use of the word "terrorist's" by the Left and Cokie Roberts on the Constitution. Congressional candidate Itamar Gelbman called in towards the end of the show to wrap it all up!

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August 4, 2011 episode. What a night! Wild Bill for America was our guest and then, we had Asama call in. Asama stayed on for the whole show while Bill, Reese and Gadi questioned him on Islam! Many callers and questions later we ran out of time before we were done. Listen to this show to hear how a Muslim answers our questions on Islam, Sharia and the Ground Zero Mosque!

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July 28, 2011 episode. Reese and Gadi were joined again by Wild Bill, but this time he brought along a couple of friends. Jim Long, the man behind the camera for Wild Bill's videos and Chanel who is an ACT member and Obama supporter. We had one heck of a hot and loud debate! Then Congressional candidate Itamar Gelbman joined us along with a bunch of callers! Great debate and great show!

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July 21, 2011 episode. Reese, Mo and Gadi we so honored to have Erick Stakelbeck from CBN on our show! Erick talked about everything going on here and abroad as well as his new book "The Terrorist Next Door". This is a must hear episode for anyone who cares about the threat to Israel and our country!

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July 14, 2011 episode. Reese and Gadi were joined by Itamar Gelbman, candidate for U.S. Congress District 25 Texas. Itamar is an American that grew up in Israel and after serving in the Israeli Special Forces returned to the U.S. and now as a business owner he has decided to run for Congress. Whether you live in Texas or not, this is a must listen to show!

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July 7, 2011 episode. Great show! Reese, Mo, Virginia and Gadi were pleased to have Radio host Chris Levels as our guest!  Chris Levels, host of the radio show Politiics and Prophecy which airs M-F at 10AM EST on WSNL Victory 600AM out of Flint, MI. The program can also be heard live anywhere in the world on We spoke about everything from current events to Sheriff Baca of Los Angeles, to Obama. The two hours went by way too fast!

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June 30, 2011 episode. Today the news broke that the U.S. will formally recognize the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and that Israel has been added to the U.S. Government list of countries that have shown a tendency to promote, produce, or protect terrorist organizations or their members. Gadi, Reese and our outspoken special guest Ann Barnhardt discuss why and what this means for Israel and the U.S.

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June 23, 2011 episode. Gadi and Reese were all by there lonesome tonight, but that didn't stop Gadi from "going off" about all the days news. This one is worth the listen, even just to hear Gadi pop his cork!

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June 16, 2011 episode. Another must listen to show! Great night, great questions and even better answers! Tonight we were joined by Lisa Daftari, Lisa Daftari is an award-winning journalist with expertise in the Middle East, specifically in counter-terrorism, Iran and the Iranian American community. Her stories have appeared on CBS, NBC, PBS, the Washington Post, Voice of America, and Front Page Magazine. Presently, she appears as a guest commentator on the Fox News Channel. Lisa has her own column in Front Page Magazine where she serves as the publication's Iran analyst.

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June 9, 2011 episode. Tonight Reese, Virginia and Gadi were honored to have Melanie Dianiska join us once again for the entire two hours. Melanie is the mother of Pfc. Corey Clagett. Corey is currently sitting in Leavenworth prison in solitary confinement, he is there because he followed orders. He has been in prison since 2006 and his story must be heard to be believed. But tonight Melanie brought us some great news! We had a ton of callers (even set a new record), this is a must listen to show!

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June 2, 2011 episode. Tonight we had Ann Barnhardt as our guest once again! Last time she was on she had just burned a Quran page by page after reading it on air on Youtube. She never holds back and say what she means! She stayed on with Reese, Mo and Gadi for the entire two hours and spoke about her new video, and all the current events!

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May 26, 2011 episode. What a great show! We were joined by Wild Bill of youtube fame! If you don't know who Wild Bill is, click on the link and watch some of his videos! He only started doing these videos back in February and already has over 40, some have been viewed over 85,000 times! Bill was kind enough to spend the first full hour with Reese, Mo and Gadi and the second hour we were joined by Vito from Radio Jihad! Great night all around!

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May 19, 2011 episode. Tonight Reese, Mo, Virginia and Gadi were honored to have Melanie Dianiska join us for the entire two hours. Melanie is the mother of Pfc. Corey Clagett. Corey is currently sitting in Leavenworth prison in solitary confinement, he is there because he followed orders. He has been in prison since 2006 and his story must be heard to be believed. This is possibly one of the most important shows we have ever done here on America Akbar.

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May 12, 2011 episode. Tonight Reese, Virginia and Gadi discussed all the current news from the arrest in NY of two terrorists, TSA pat downs, the murder of a British woman and hip hop artist Common at the White House. Great two hours that covered a lot!

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May 5, 2011 episode. Chuck Holton, reporter and author of 6 books and bestsellers was one of our guests tonight. Rep. Paul Curtman from MO and sponsor of the Bill that would outlaw Sharia from MO was also on. Lastly, singer/song writer Lisa Mei Norton called in at the end of the show. Reese, Mo and Virginia were all on as well!

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April 28, 2011 episode. The TSA, Israel, Hamas, Fatah and the Palestinian Authority are just a few of the subjects we discussed this evening. The author of "The Wayfarers-Walking Dreams", Jim Yackel was on and I am in his latest book! Jim stayed with Reese and I the whole show! Reese surprised me with a new song by Lisa Mei Norton and Big Dawg Music Mafia, this new song... About Gadi Adelman! I am so excited, in a book and a song all on the same day!

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April 21, 2011 episode. Fabulous and educational show! Tonight we had 2 hours of news and discussing the issues. We were joined by producer/co-host Reese as well as our newest member and News Reporter Maureen "Mo". Gary Johnson from Victory Institute called in for the last half hour.

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April 14, 2011 episode. What a show! Ann Barnhardt was our guest and this young lady does not hold back! We were joined by Reese, Jan and our newest addition, Maureen! This is a must listen to show, if you haven't seen Ann on Youtube, you have to check her out!

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April 7, 2011 episode. Fabulous show this evening! Christopher Holton from The Center For Security Policy was our guest. In case you missed him on Glenn Beck the other night, he was on along with Daniel Pipes discussing sharia compliant finance. We picked up where Glenn left off and of course talked about current events and took several calls.

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March 31, 2011 episode. What a great night! We had two wonderful guests and several callers. The author of "The Scrolls of Tora Bora: Hafsah's Recension", Demi Kaeffer was with us through the whole show and in the 2nd half of the show we had Ilario Pantano candidate for US Congress and former Marine 2nd Lieutenant who was brought up on charges of murder of two detainees in Fallujah.

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March 17, 2011 episode. This evening Reese, Jan and I started of the show with a recap of last nights "Sacrificed Survivors" event from UNC at Chapel Hill, NC. Great time at the Imam Rauf counter event! The rest of the show was dedicated to 'Training the Trainer'. We discussed common objections when trying to educate someone on Islam and how to answer the objections and have a dialogue.

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March 10, 2011 episode. 2 hours of candid talk! Reese, Jan and I were joined by singer/songwriter Joe Dan Gorman and Lisa Mei Norton! Joe Dan's newest music video "We Will Not Submit" features a bunch of conservative singers and yes, even I have an appearance. We spoke about Rep. King hearings on Homegrown Islamic Terror and Lisa Mei, who is retired Air force shared some of her stories from when she was stationed in Saudi Arabia during desert storm.

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March 3, 2011 episode. Another great show! Tonight we had Linda Brickman, ACT for America Chapter leader in Phoenix, AZ as our guest. Linda was kind enough to sit through the whole 2 hours while I went on a tirade and was on my soapbox the whole night. We talked about everything from the price of gas to the Frankfurt Airport shooting. Reese was there as always and we took a couple calls as well!

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February 24, 2011 episode. What a week! Tonight we spoke about Anthony Maschek, the arrest of a Saudi for planning to use weapons of mass destruction, the anti-sharia bill in TN, the Noor Almaleki sentencing and much more. We had several callers and overall another great, fun and educational show!

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February 17, 2011 episode. Tonight we had Vin call in as our guest. You may know him from Facebook as Vin Ienco or Vin Sback. His FB along with at least a hundred others was pulled down the other day and what FB wanted to re-activate the page will shock you. Before the end of the night we had Adrian Morgan, Editor for Family Security Matters and Gary Johnson, from Victory Institute also call in. Great show with a lot of topics and discussion on the Muslim Brotherhood and the Middle East.

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February 10, 2011 episode. This evening our guest was Kelly Shackelford the President and CEO of Liberty Institute. Kelly has been outspoken about the Mansfield school district in Texas attempting to make it mandatory for elementary and middle school students to study Arabic and the Arab culture in public school. As an attorney and head of Liberty Institute he spoke on the case and as well as it's Constitutionality. Reese C and Jan were on and Adrian Morgan (FSM Editor) also called in.

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February 3, 2011 episode. What a great show! Usama Dakdok, the Egyptian born expert on Islam was our guest for the entire two hours. With all that is going on in Egypt right now and how it can and will effect the Middle East, the U.S. and the world, there was no one better than Usama to put it all in prospective. We had our regulars, Reese C, Jan as well as listener call ins.

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January 27, 2011 episode. It started with a great idea. We were going to do a remote broadcast of the show, but like most great ideas, it didn't work as well as we hoped. I was traveling with the Project Manager of the Christian Action Network, Jason Campbell scouting out a location for a rally in March to counter the speech that Imam Rauf from the Ground Zero mosque will be having at the UNC campus in NC. I ended up doing the show via my phone and we had a great interview with Jason nonetheless. Reese, Jan and Doc all joined in as well as some callers.

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January 20, 2011 episode. Great show with Reese and Jan Morgan! We discussed everything from Gabby Giffords to Governor Christie and of course Islam, Sharia law and Sharia compliant finance.

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January 13, 2011 episode. On this show we had Tom Trento, Excutive Director of the Florida Security Council as our guest. Tom was one of the co-authors of "Shariah, The threat to America". We discussed where the West is heading when it comes to the threat of Islam as well as his recent trip to Paris where he was a speaker at a European conference on the same. The second half of the show we discussed the senseless shooting last week in Arizona and had a caller that you need to hear to believe as to who was "really" behind this tragedy.

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January 6, 2011 episode. Our first episode of the New Year! We are joined by the editor of Family Security Matters, Adrian Morgan and we discuss child abuse within Islam. Prior to Adrian joining us we had a Muslim man phone in to the show who was upset that we "speak of Islam in a negative way." Listen to how Gadi gets him to admit to Sharia law, women being worth half that of a man deserving of death and violence as a means to achieve Islamic world domination!

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December 30, 2101 episode. Last episode of the year and we went out with a bang! Dr. Walid Phares was our guest. Dr Walid Phares is a senior fellow at the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and a professor of Global Strategies in Washington DC, he also advises the Anti-Terrorism Caucus at the US House of Representatives as well as members of the European Parliament. We spoke about his new book and his take on the future of terrorism in the west. Reese and Jan Morgan joined us and we had several interesting callers!

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December 23, 2010 episode. Another great night on America Akbar! My co-host Reese and I were joined by the Grammy Award winning Producer/Aritist/Singer and song writer Trade Martin! Call it a Christmas Special!

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December 16, 2010 episode. Tonight was our first night on Blog Talk Radio! What a great show. We were joined by my co-host Reese and Doc called in to lend a hand. We interviewed Joe Dan Media on his "Live to die" song and video and had several callers!

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November 18, 2010 episode. Windows to Liberty is still down so we did a podcast this evening. I was joined by Reese and Matt and we had a special guest co-host on as well. Jan Morgan, veteran TV anchor and conservative blogger joined us. Two hours of Islam and Sharia and I hardly got a word in!

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October 29, 2010 episode. As many of you know, the Windows to Liberty Radio station is in the middle of a move and with the equipment down I recorded a daytime show to make up for missing last night. This was an interesting twist, Chris Carter from the Victory Institute interviewed me for his website on my radio show! We spoke about all aspects of Sharia and of course Reese was there too!

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October 14, 2010 episode. On this show we had a return guest, Nabeel Qureshi from ACT's 17 Apologetics. Nabeel was one of the 4 arrested earlier this year in Dearborn, Michigan, he explained about the groups day in court and what is happening wit their case. In the second hour we had 'Mrs. Portland', a woman who not only witnessed the bomb explode in Portland, Maine, but it went off only 10 in front of her. She shares a very interesting story of how it is being covered up.

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October 7, 2010 episode. Peter Gadiel, the founder of 9/11 Families for a Secure America Foundation was our guest! Peter was just on ABC's "This week with Christiane Amanpour" discussing 'should Americans fear Islam'. He spends the whole two hours with us and talks with us about illegal immigration and the show on ABC. John and Reese joined us as well.

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September 30, 2010 episode. This show allowed me to interview my mentor! Dr. Walid Phares called in and was a wonderful and informative guest! We spoke about his views on terror and it's future in America. My regular 'sidekicks' John and Reese were on with me as well.

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September 23, 2010 episode. 'Southern Exposure the Documentary' was the topic on this show. My guests were Stan Wald and Jerry Misner, the filmmakers of the documentary that exposes the truth behind illegal migration. Not only were on for the full two hours, but the information they gave us was truly shocking! This is a must listen to podcast if you care at all about our nations security and borders.

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September16, 2010 episode. Due to some "technical difficulties", although the show has been on each week, the podcasts have not. Hopefully from here on out they will be weekly. Tonight I had as my guest Adrian Morgan, the editor of Family Security Matters. Adrian, although in the U.K. stayed with us the entire 2 hours and we had Gary Johnson, the Senior Advisor for International Security of the Victory Institute call in as well about halfway through the show. With the two of them on, I had a tough time cutting in!

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August 26, 2010 episode. The night before the American Rhapsody Event and before I left for Glenn Beck's 8/28. Tonight's guests were John, Matt from "OK for Tea Radio" and Reese from "I know some people on the Radio". It was a fun, but strange evening. The show actually starts about 11 1/2 minutes in to the podcast as we started late, but it was a great show with all our guests. We discussed all the current events and of course the Ground Zero mosque!

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August 19, 2010 episode. On this show we explained how to discuss Islam with someone who doesn't know anything about it. Joining us for this program were Reese, from the Radio Show "I know some people on the Radio", John, my esteemed producer, Billy from "The American Youth" who also recorded this episode and Gary Johnson, Jr. from the Victory Institute called in to round out the night!

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August 12, 2010 episode. Talk about a great show! Tonight we were blessed with having Usama Dakdok as our guest. Usama was born in Egypt and raised in a Christian home as the son of a Baptist pastor. Usama learned about Islam in school because it was, and still is, a mandatory subject. To further his knowledge of Islam, he studied Islamic law in college. In 2001 Usama founded the Straight Way of Grace Ministry, he travels throughout the United States equipping Christians to be effective witnesses of Jesus Christ to their Muslim neighbors, as well as ministering to Muslims directly. Adrian Morgan, the Editor of Family Security Matters joined us as well for the first hour!

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August 5, 2010 episode. Tonight we had the honor of having Dr. Thomas Ahmed as our guest! Dr. Ahmed has written twelve books which all deal with the problems of women in Muslim societies and the hidden causes that led to tragic events such as September 11, and the suicidal missions that are taking the lives of thousands of innocent people everyday in the world. Reese, the co-host from "I know some people on the radio" sits in for the whole show as well!

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July 22, 2010 episode. What a night! We had Dr. Nabeel Qureshi, David Wood and Negeen Mayal from Acts 17, those that were arrested at the Dearborn, MI Arab Festival and in the second hour we had Debra Burlingame from 9/11 Families for a Safe & Strong America and Keep America Safe discussing the mosque at Ground Zero!

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July 15, 2010 episode. Gadi has a full house this evening! Jeffo Bruzzo, Trade Martin, John and Jimmy J. We start out discussing the Helena Montana sex education initiative, then our 2nd hour we have Rep. Rex Duncan from Oklahoma once again explaining the Sharia law ban in his State.

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July 8, 2010 episode. Gadi interviews Jeff Bruzzo while he is in New Orleans filming a documentary on the Gulf spill.

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June 24, 2010 episode. No guests on this episode, but some great callers!

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First episode of "America Akbar" from June 10, 2010. Itamar Gelbman, the first Israeli/American running for U.S. Congress was Gadi's guest.

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